The raw approach to feed us - a recommendation to eat cold vegan - TopicsExpress


The raw approach to feed us - a recommendation to eat cold vegan food If you carefully analyse the components of our food which are changed or destroyed in the cooking process and consider that nature has made us to consume naturally grown food you can soon discover many problems. The original human life form, as made by nature, has the capacity to easily eat every plant and vegetable grown on a field or a fruit tree. Every vegetarian knows how to nourish our life form healthily and appropriately. Imagine you are born into a forest like our ancestors and have not developed the knowledge of civilisation yet, your food would obviously grow on trees, on bushes and in the wilderness. A sweet or interesting taste should regularly indicate that the item can be eaten without health problems. Nature has of course not made us to consume wood or substances our teeth can not chew. Our natural eating table is very rich. Obviously we also have a problem to eat raw meat, the reason possibly is that nature has not meant us to eat meat at all. The fact that our organism has the capacity to digest an unbelievable variety of substances does not mean every substance is healthy, most of the meat is not healthy also. Neither did nature produce a cooking pot, nor does nature provide a fire to cook food we can digest. Originally we are meant to eat raw vegetables and food, fresh herbs, nuts and any other vegetarian food. If prepared correctly we can restore and protect our health for generations. Also most of the artificially fabricated food we can find in our supermarkets is not meant to suport our life form healthily. An animal on our farm is not necessary at all if we have enough plants to feed us. We may consider to list any substance we destroy in the cooking process and compare the result to other ways to nourish ourselves. With the greatest respect towards modern intelligent vegetarian cooking, a return to the food of our natural origins is necessary to avoid any future deseases and negative developments in our organisms. Certainly a well trained artist in the kitchen has the capacity to satisfy our demand for taste. Also a good cook has the ability to provide many healthy ingredients. This article states the thesis that only a cold vegetarian or also vegan kitchen is near to healthy ways to nourish the human life form because only food we can relate to our natural origin is reasonable. Reasonable scientific analysis of human food intake should base on the thesis that only unprocessed natural food is optimal for us. The simplification process we would have to inflict to our modern supermarkets for the purpose to remove not ideal products based on a health or efficiency scale developed by neutral scientists is complex. To convince a modern cook, a necessary activity in our cultures, that the profession is in question from the view of health acitivists might possibly regarded to be even heresy. Every vegetable you can buy on our modern outdoor markets is suitable to be consumed raw, especially if cut into small pieces and prepared with oil and some fruity juice to replace vinegar. These mixtures have turned out to be very healthy. If our thesis is true most of the humans nourish themselves inefficient, accepting later damages or irregularities in their biochemical system. A careful further contemplation of all the artificial chemical substances we add to our food leads us to a long list of influences possibly damaging our biology sooner or later, generating further problems. Although most of the people know how healthy a salad and vegetarian food can be they still take precooked and processed articles from the shelves in the supermarket, this is a bit funny, perhaps nobody is really free from the problem. Especially the buddhist kitchen has the capacity to improve our eating tables, here we have a qualified vegan approach. Most of the people might say the cooking process is necessary because we can not chew everything, but if cut into small peaces and consumed in the right dose this is without any problem. Also it is very interesting to meditate about all the physical processes in our brain and bodies we never experience because all our food is cooked and destroyed partially. Especially the fact that nature has not made us to enjoy the chemical substances occurrig in the cooking process if we mix too many herbs and spices is worth scientific detection.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 11:42:26 +0000

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