The real Band of Brothers – seven sons from one family who all - TopicsExpress


The real Band of Brothers – seven sons from one family who all fought in World War One – as featured in The Sunday Mirror – 19 April 2014 As young men up and down Britain volunteered for the First World War, the Wilcox family were among the first to answer the call to arms. And like fearful mothers all over the country, Sarah Ann Wilcox waved her sons off to the bloodiest war this country has ever fought. All seven of them. Brothers Leonard, 21, Ernest, 22, Bernard, 25, Alfred; 30; Walter, 32, Benjamin, 38, and John, 40, all signed up to do their duty, knowing they could pay the ultimate price. As the casualties soared and barely a family remained unscathed, the Wilcox boys’ terrified mum prayed daily to God to keep them safe. Every single one of them was in the thick of the fighting , risking his life for King and country in the trenches where life ­expectancy was just six weeks. Yet incredibly, Sarah Ann’s prayers were answered. Every single one of the real-life Band of Brothers made it home alive, bringing with them a Military Medal, a Distinguished Conduct Medal and the highest honour of them all, a Victoria Cross. Their extraordinary story is revealed today for the first time by Leonard’s son John Wilcox, who says: “In this Hollywood-fixated era, I guess they would have been called The Magnificent Seven – my father and his six brothers who all, one hundred years ago this August, responded to the bugle’s call.” As the centenary of the war’s outbreak approaches, he has unearthed fascinating details about the brave brothers from the backstreets of Birmingham. John says: “They ­volunteered more or less together but joined a bewildering spread of regiments.” Although details are sketchy about the service of the three eldest brothers, Benjamin, John and Walter, it’s known all seven were on the front line. John says: “They all became rifle and bayonet men – no clerks, cooks or batmen – serving in the trenches all through the war. “If they had been born higher up the social ladder, they would ­probably have been picked off by enemy snipers as they led their men towards the German wire.” John’s father Leonard, who had seven sisters as well, was promoted to sergeant in the South Bernard, like Leonard, joined the South Staffs, but was posted to the Middle East. Ernest joined the Royal Warwickshires. Alfred enlisted in the Royal Hussars before switching to the 2/4th Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. He fought at Laventie in northern France. The brothers endured almost ceaseless shelling and gas attacks, all the time waiting for the next order to climb into no man’s land and face the German guns. John’s dad nearly didn’t survive . He was blown up by a shell in 1916 as he went over the top during the horrendous Battle of the Somme. More than a million men were killed or injured – including Leonard. Records show he was “severely wounded by enemy shrapnel on the morning of November 13, 1916, as he led his platoon against the German Heidenkof Redoubt at Beaumont Hamel, France”. After being evacuated to Britain, Leonard spent 80 harrowing days in hospital before seeing out the war on home duties. Meanwhile, his six brothers fought on. Only when the guns fell silent following the Armistice of November 11, 1918, did they begin to to trickle home. John says: “Uncle Bernard, also a sergeant like my father, came back with only one eye and the Military Medal. “Uncle Ernest, surely the cheeriest tram driver in Birmingham, had become an acting Regimental Sergeant Major at the ridiculously young age of 23 because there was no one else left. “He returned with the ­Distinguished Conduct Medal.” But the greatest prize of all went to the middle brother. John adds: “Uncle Alfred, a Lance Corporal, gained the VC after single-handedly bombing his way up a German trench, destroying four German heavy machine guns and killing their crews after a hand-to-hand bayonet fight.” The VC citation hails his “most ­conspicuous bravery and initiative in attack”. He was later machine-gunned in the ankle. John says: “Uncle Alf – Alfred the Great, to me – loomed large over my childhood as the patriarch of the family. I recall him as a red-cheeked, wavy-haired, jovial pipe-smoker who never, of course, spoke of the war.” But before the war and afterwards, Alfred was “always brave”, says John. “I remember Dad telling me that when in his teens, Alf was the only man in the circus audience to take up the lion tamer’s offer to enter the cage with him. “Later, during the Second World War, when he was a publican, he overhead a sailor imitating King George VI’s stammer. “Alf vaulted over the bar and knocked him out with one blow.” The other brothers settled back into normal life in Birmingham, before moving around the country. Bernard opened a shoe shop in the city before going to Devon to keep a boarding house,” says John. “Ernest worked in an HP sauce factory and later on the assembly line at the Rover car factory. Both Alfred and my dad were trained as skilled jewellery craftsmen, my dad as a diamond mounter.” Alfred passed away in 1954, nine years after Leonard died from tuberculosis. John believes telling the brothers’ story as the centenary approaches will remind Britons of the sacrifices made by ­ordinary families . So far, he has been unable to uncover the war histories of Walter, Benjamin and John, or discover which regiments they were in. Nearly half of all WWI service records were destroyed by German bombs in the blitz. But next weekend John travels to northern France where he will walk in his father’s footsteps in the hope of finding the clues to solve the remaining riddles. John said: “This will, I hope, bring closure to the questions which have surrounded memories of my father and his brothers all of my life. I’m off to that little village on the Somme where a local guide will show us where my father walked into the shellfire to meet his destiny 98 years ago.” But even if he is unable to fill in all the missing gaps, John will ensure one family’s remarkable legacy of valour will survive for future generations.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 20:00:36 +0000

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