The real diabolical face of US The late French philosopher and - TopicsExpress


The real diabolical face of US The late French philosopher and thinker Roger Garaudy, a long period of time to arrive to that «America, is, the vanguard of decadence And sometimes when it tends event or coincidence wearing the «robe» of democracy , human values and principles, which have been deceived by the people, since its establishment in the conditions and tools are known, not least the extermination of the Indians continents .. And implement whatever condemned and disgusting ways, crowded conspiracies, whether in Latin America or Asia, and of course in the homeland Arab.., who deceived the whole world at the beginning of his first term, Claiming he respected democratic rules, the man walked in with a deceptive politics and anti simplest human values, no one will forget that he fulfilled any of the promises of the beginning of his mandate which, excels Mafia accounts, But Obama was the first US president challenging, publicly, international law and the resolutions of the Security Council, which is considered East Jerusalem, a land of Arab occupied, when in the Knesset, Israels parliament, declared brazenly unmatched, «The united Jerusalem is the eternal capital,of the Jewish state !!!» and encouraged all US facilities, physical, political and military Judaization waged by Israel in Palestine. It is also, what falls under the rage that swept through the state managed to drop the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt .., including, the destruction of Iraq, Libya, and attempts to destroy Syria, all under, the banner of democracy and sometimes protect the world from the evils of this Arab or another country, at other times, And one of the episodes that unfolded, widely finally, the CIA report, is that the observer of the responses of the American reaction, rooted conviction that Washingtons policy, has not and will not change, by addressing destructive policies to the peoples, and the removal of the worn angelic mask and deceived the world for centuries, to show the real diabolical .. face Considering what the CIA chief, said that the CIA is not equipped to manage the interrogation and detention program, it is important to recognize that the majority of those involved in this program officers, have performed their duty honestly and consistent with legal rules and instructions issued to them . Which means very briefly, it is immoral, that «the American nation» above all, run over peoples rights and the rights everywhere it pleases, and , then Minister of the so-called Justice in Washington comes out to slap all human values and principles emphasizing , That «investigation» file of CIA crimes had been closed ... US report on torture, bloody tragic from beginning to end without any tinge of comic or satirical. Where 54 countries participated in helping the CIA in torture against detainees. Including 13 Arab countries, led by Egypt under Mubaraks rule has been implicated as the largest state of torture by proxy for the CIA on behalf of 12 countries around the world! The report described Egypt as the most important state and the largest in the operations of the receipt , the torture and interrogation of detainees from the United States, and other countries around the world, in Egyptian prisons. And in 2005, the Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif admitted that the United States may have to send 60 to 70 detainees to Egypt for interrogation and torture in Egyptian prisons in the context of the US war on terrorism. The list included Egyptian jails and prisons that were used to torture in the US rendition program to Egypt, Tora prison, and Lehman Tora, Tora reception, Scorpio heavily guarded, in addition to prison of Damanhur. Egypt has also allowed US intelligence and security services of other countries around the world using its airports and airspace air in delivery of detainees and rendition to torture in Egyptian territory programs. Its interesting that justifies John Brennan, the CIA present director , so that they did not have experience in dealing with the prisoners! The report has led to waves of anger around the world, human rights and organizations called on the head in charge of human rights in the United Nations accountability of those responsible for torture. the head of the Intelligence Committee in the Senate, Diane Vinhitaan described the CIA behavior as a blot on the history of the United States. The question Is that will Mubarak be tried and his prime minister , his interior and justice ministers to make them Egyptian prisons a tool of torture of prisoners and detainees on behalf of America?
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 10:01:15 +0000

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