The real rebuild in CHCH: 1. I lost custody of my son as i had - TopicsExpress


The real rebuild in CHCH: 1. I lost custody of my son as i had to leave my rented home of 11.5yrs and couldnt secure a property due to cost and numerous people showing up for one house. His father got without notice orders from family court preventing me from taking him to the only place i could go to in kirwee-15min from chch city boundary. That is my legacy 3yrs on from quakes, I totally feel for you and how grim it must have felt with the constant fear of being homeless; Glad that is sorted. X 2. I am so sorry to read this, my son who is Prada Willie wants to move from Christchurch altogether, as he has lost a lot of social/life support etc, life style that he coped with living independently for 15 years. He has suffered in many ways mentally and emotionally and the financial cost of extenuating circumstances like many we end up with little or no means. I am his only living family member so it is the right thing to move him to a functioning city where he has the community support as well. It must be so hard for Sue I understand as I am facing this move for my son ( although I remain in Christchurch ) really to save his life and future. No family should have to deal with this in this country when we give so much to so many every where else in the world. 3. It was a heart story where Tania and her children had not had a easy journey in life prior to the quakes , however when the quakes hit - Tania had to move like so many from the red zone where she was renting unfortunately she ended up in another red zone home and was given a 41 day notice. By this stage the impact holistically had blanketed the entire family - the husband was unable to cope - he departed from the scene - only to pass away some 6 months ago and the eldest boys were having severe mental health concerns - this continues.... 4. Sue is a survivor, and so are her children [aged 16 & 19] The first big tests for Sue has been broken relationships - but she picked herself up and moved on - Next Sue was a victim of the collapse of Canterbury Mortgage all her savings from a house sale [as instructed legally] disappeared over night - some 6 years later - she has been drip fed some monies but very little of the $60,000.00 that was going to use to buy another home- Then Sue and her children survive the earth quakes - but not without impact - they remain in this broken home - however they have been given notice to move and soon - within the month - Sue works, full time - supporting both children - the eldest who is suffering from extreme anxiety and trauma - Sue lives off her $16.00 per hour job - and is not coping - Sue has looked at many properties BUT the rent hikes from greedy landlords - wont allow Sue to eat or met the everyday living costs - Sue budgets but it tough when most rentals start from $350.00 upwards or to cut travel costs from $400.00 now consider that these homes that Sue has looked at - are still broken - one landlord said you can rent this house at $380.00 but when they come in to fix it - you will have to move Sue went to Housing NZ but was told there are more urgent than you - in fact hundreds - however we will probably re look at your situation if you go homeless - no guarantee Sue has no savings they were taken the greedy landlords are asking up to $2000.00 for bond- she has no means or money to pay for any tidy up now expected on the current broken property; Sue has no ability to move her stuff or even pay for that 5. Sue is not alone, my family and I have moved 5 times since November last year. Please check out the Demand fair rent for Christchurch face book page there are many many people in the same situation
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 01:14:34 +0000

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