The reality of a new year is upon us. As we take stock of how far - TopicsExpress


The reality of a new year is upon us. As we take stock of how far we have come and ponder the direction we want our lives to take in the next twelve months lets us remember two things. To be grateful for what our lives have become, regardless of the unfulfilled dreams and wishes. It could have been worse. Let us also learn from our personal mistakes and shortcoming and take bigger strides towards ours and our countrys destiny. In the same vein, let us spare a thought for our country and its many challenges. And let us pause to consider what role we have played in the current state of affairs and how things could have turned out differently, had we acted differently in our individual capacities. Whether it is on the subject of corruption, maladministration, and all the other things that give this country a bad name and its people a tough life. We have either allowed them, taken part in them or looked the other way when those acts were committed in our presence or by those closer to us. Either way, we too are guilty. As we develop personal resolutions for the New Year, let us resolve never to give substandard service to the people. Never to discriminate against others, especially the poor. Never to take bribes. Never to offer bribers. And to take action where wrong is done in our presence. Let us bring up our children in an honest way and teach them the value of honesty, service to and love for their country. Like all resolutions we will take personally, the test of our resolve will be in our actions. It’s not going to be easy, but with the bigger picture in mind, it can and should be done. We can no longer blame leaders for the things we ourselves are guilty of. This is disingenuous. Let us pray for our country’s leaders. Let us pray that they remember what it is and how to serve and to put the interest of the country above theirs. Let us pray for their humility, for this is the greatest leadership quality of all. Let us pray for quality and free education. The narrative that free education is unaffordable no longer holds water. The children of the rich and middle class receive superior education at the expense of the poor. Let us pray for an economy that will show growth and accommodate the majority of its citizens. And let us be thankful for a great country. I wish you my friends and family good health (powered by ONE-FOOT-UP), LOVE and a happy new year.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 14:00:13 +0000

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