The reason I am making this post is mostly to illustrate and - TopicsExpress


The reason I am making this post is mostly to illustrate and explain something I have been doing a lot of lately. This takes a little bit to explain but please bear with me if you really want to know the answer to this because this is the only time I am gong to explain it. Note that I have two versions of the same story posted here. I put the first one in the Update Status text block that Facebook offers for posting. The second copy I paste into the first comment block available after I make the post. People might wonder why I bother to do this. I get most of these posts from Daily Kos but Facebook totally wipes out anything I post from Daily Kos immediately after I attempt to post it. So what I do is copy and paste the Daily Kos article headline into a search engine and then go out and do a search for another version of the same story on the Internet that did not originate with Daily Kos. I then copy and paste the URL for that article into Facebook and then make my comment for the article immediately above it the posted article. I then hit the post button and as soon as the article is posted I copy and past the URL for the Daily Kos version of the story into the first comment block of my original post. Facebook will not get rid of a Daily Kos story as long as it is in the comment section but it will if it is in the Update Status text box. So when I am all done I end up with two copies of the same article. The next question you might ask is why I bother with posting the Daily Kos article into the comment section when I already have found another version of the story that will post and not get wiped out by Facebook. The reason for this is twofold. First, I usually prefer the Daily Kos version of an article over other sources and quite often the non-Daily Kos article really does not even provide you with an article but only a headline with a link right back to Daily Kos. This apparently is a method other people are using to get around the Facebook restriction associated with attempting to post Daily Kos articles. The second reason I post both versions is just to thumb my nose at Facebook. I think one of the reasons they limit people is because Daily Kos has become so popular that it is taking up a lot of Facebook resources to have to post these articles from everyone that want to post them. So I figured out a way to use up twice the amount of Facebook resources as a protest for them to admit they have been defeated and they need to start allowing people to post Daily Kos articles without restriction to begin with. Sometimes I cannot find another version of a Daily Kos story if the story originates with them so I have no option but to just put my comment in the Update Status text box where the article really should be posted and then post the Daily Kos article into the comment section where the comment really should be posted. I much less prefer doing it this way because any personal comments I make will be wiped out if anyone shares my post. Since the article is in the comment section it will be wiped out with a share so effectively you cannot share the post because the whole thing will get wiped out. With me posting two versions of an article the way I am doing, if someone shares my post at least the non-Daily Kos version posted to the Update Status text box will be shared even though the Daily Kos version posted to the comment section will get wiped out. Now that I have explained all this I do want to make a comment on the article I am posting here and I would normally put that comment here but because I wanted to explain all this I will just use the second comment box that becomes available after I make this post.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 08:37:22 +0000

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