The reason I so greatly support Doug Ducey for #AZGOV; Mark - TopicsExpress


The reason I so greatly support Doug Ducey for #AZGOV; Mark Brnovich for #AZAG; Justin Scott Pierce for #AZSOS; and Jeff DeWit for #AZTreasurer ...oh an Shawnna LM Bolick for #AZLD28 & Effie Carlson for because I am deeply concerned about the future of Arizona...our children, economy, environment and direction. I am concerned about the impacts of overzealous federal agencies that are constantly testing the boundaries of their jurisdictional authority. I am concerned about a repeat of Arizonas budget woes that I had to deal with while serving, especially after I saw how much our spending has grown over the last two years. Many of us who have been through it before recognize that we are heading right back down the path that Napolitano and the AZLEG took us that led to the draconian measures we had to take in 2010 just to keep from collapsing completely. I am concerned about maintaining the integrity of our elected offices and in our elected officials. Electing Doug, Mark, Justin & Jeff into their respective offices will not only ease those concerns, but will guarantee that the future of Arizona is very bright and hopeful. Each of these candidates will protect States Rights via working towards reasonable solutions and ensuring that the Constitution is upheld. They will continue moving Arizona in the right direction by ensuring that we invest wisely in our future via government reform and business savvy. They will safeguard the sanctity of our freedoms and all Arizonans. Arizona has come a long way since those days when we had one of the nations worst budget deficits. The choices we had to make to bring us from the brink of collapse...well, they were not pleasant and I would rather not ever revisit it. Yet, we did it! Now, electing the wrong people to office can jeopardize all that has been accomplished...and we are already seeing some of the signs. It is critical we elect fiscally responsible leaders that will work toward real solutions and not just slap a bandaid on a gaping wound. I can say with absolute certainty that the aforementioned candidates will best serve Arizona if elected into their respective offices.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 00:07:19 +0000

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