The reason i was banned from DC3 , Diss Christain Community Church - TopicsExpress


The reason i was banned from DC3 , Diss Christain Community Church I went to the elders and ZZZZ i was going into Kenya, and the reason why, and maybe they should think of sending a team in, just in case the trouble spread, they ZZZZ i was not to go, this surprised me, The reason they did not want me to go, was they had sent out two girls to run the nursery, separate from my mothers work, ministry, saving street children, in Kisumu, and if their parents heard i had gone, this would cause them, according to the Elders, leader, unto worry and distress, they also ZZZZ i was in bondage to fear and the Devil . not the case, God had confirmed i was to go, and to Go URGENTLY. They also ZZZZ if i went, they would with draw their support, to my mother, and the children in her care, about 30 at this time. I ZZZZ im sorry you feel this way, but i am going, ive booked a ticket on the next flight. I did see the two girls while in Kisumu, they where so glad to see me, Kisumu was cutting up very rough, during my time in Kenya, 48 opposition MP,s where arrested for inciting mobs to riot against the Kenyan Government. Kisumu was the strong hold of F.O.R.D Kenya, the opposition party,there was also famine in Kenya, and the government, where only distributing AID , where they held sway, Kisumu was left to starve, and when people get hungry, they get wild. I ZZZZ to the two girls, keep a bag with you, if trouble starts, go straight to the Embassy or airport, dont go back to your apartment, as the delay, can see you trapped, i had been trapped in Kisumu before, during civil uprising, curfews, mobs on the Rampage, no phone or electricity, pitch black. tribal fighting to between the presidents tribe, the Mandis, who where well fed, well armed, pushed in against the Lure tribe, I had stood 100 meters from huts on the hill sides , that had been burned down, while the familys remained in side, or where killed trying to flee . The Elders in the churches DC3 where affiliated to in Kisumu, asked if i would share their plight, with DC3 , the people had nothing . i ZZZZ i would pass the message on, it had been preached in DC3 , how they wanted to make big in roads into Kenya. So after confronting Jaffa and his yardie gang, who had threatened to burn my mother alive in her car, the next time they saw her, at Kisumu market place. Helped mum, get children back out of Uganda, going into Uganda with her, and then being trapped there, at the worst possible time, during the elections taking place there, a lot of trouble was expected, the elections, taking place , the same time as the elections in South Africa, where 300 years of white rule oppression was being over turned. Heavy fighting in Northern Uganda, the Tribes of Northern Uganda, Kinsmen to the tribes of Northern Kenya, both in opposition to their Governments. Southern Suddan, down the rift valley, Burundi had flared also, as had Nigeria, and over 200.000 had now been massacred in Rwanda, it was estimated, thousands being slaughterer, every day, day in day out. people where even hiding in mass graves to avoid being massacred, some mass graves, filled with over 8000 people, women children, the elderly. The RPF where pushing back into Rwanda from Southern Uganda. We also with the help of Mrs Aggassi, the provisional head of social services, who went to the president of Kenya in person, set up a safe haven for mum and the children, out side of Kisumu. Apon my return, i was told i was no longer welcome at DC3, where i had fellow shipped for over ten years. I passed on the message from the elders in Kisumu, the elders at DC3 ZZZZ as far as they where concerned , regarding Kenya, they where putting every thing on hold , for six months, I ZZZZ i had seen people in the churches in Kisumu, that did not know how they where going to get through the next 6 days. They also ZZZZ they did not think my mother was doing the will of God, so i ZZZZ its going to take you 6 months to see if picking up bundles of rags of the street, street children, giving them a loving home, care, hope and a future, is the will of God . Then God help you, with this one of the elders jumped to his feet, we rebuke you in the name of the Lord , but i felt no such rebuke, i felt the Lord standing by my side. They had told the congregation, that my going was a HOAX, there was no problem what so ever. Not the case. then they told the congregation, i had returned demanding they sent money, again not the case, i just past on the message from the elders in Kisumu, as i ZZZZ i would, so this fueled all kinds of rumors as to why i had gone to Kenya, some if true, which they where not, i would have served 18 months of a three year sentence, according to Diss police, also as to why i had been banned from the church. and so the frame, character assassination began. The Elders maintained Kenya was the most civilized country in Africa, there would be no trouble there, it was one big, tourist safari park . So in 2008 when Kisumu , Kenya erupted into Violence, who was the first person i saw, the leader of DC3 , Kisumu was the worst hit place, i had prayed should i Go, ready to go at the drop of a hat, this time God ZZZZ no, STOP, The light remained on red. and though all around my mothers childrens home, covenant home, places where burned and looted, people killed, no one touched covenant home. the mobs , and road blocks would even open up, and allow my mothers vehicle through, some 500 street children took refuge with her, this is not an appeal, just sharing how things went down in the past. and what started the frame. The leaders right had man, who had jumped to his feet, no longer with us, God rest his soul, he did have some good qualities to, his mother in law FLO, was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time at Thetford in a fatal accident. And the then leader of DC3, his wife was recently hit by a lorry, and put in a critical condition, now recovering in our prayers, the unexpected when least expected, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, trapped, can be fatal, not one penny from any one. youtube/watch?v=7PIZ1q0ttqM
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 11:34:16 +0000

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