The reason there is no corruption in UK politics, is because the - TopicsExpress


The reason there is no corruption in UK politics, is because the bastards have legalized it. A friend on the indie list pointed me in the direction of an article by Seamus Milne which appeared in last Thursday’s Guardian. Milne pointed out how a culture of corruption has seeped far into the UK’s body politics. Understandably given the paper he writes for he moderated his language somewhat and pulled back from calling a spade a spade, fortunately as a blogger I do not suffer under similar restraints. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind the Government of the UK is amongst, if not the most undemocratic and corrupt in the EU and what we learn from history is when a governmental system becomes corrupt it quickly pollutes the whole country and the way it does business. Whilst it was enjoyable to watch both Tory and Labour MP’s wriggling pitifully on the media hook and attempt to deny they had been engaged in fraud and ‘corrupt’ practices when they claimed their Westminster expenses. The greed of these political minnows is small beer when compared to the levels of corruption that takes place within the upper reaches of the Whitehall civil services and at Ministerial levels of the British government. Which as Milne points out has become a cesspit of corruption, as both senior civil servants and their political masters have been willingly enticed into the corrupt embrace of multi national corporations. Which has enabled these ‘public servants’ on retirement or a change of government, to receive massive sums from corporate coffers for services past rendered. This being the UK, where the ‘old boys’ network has been in place for centuries, ‘brown’ envelopes’ so beloved by the media rarely feature and only the most dim witted and micro greedy politician’s [like the Hamiliton’s in the 1990s] are likely to go near them. By the 1980s, with free market Thatcherite’s in power, the political and corporate elite realized if they were to gain access to big money, they needed a far more sophisticated system in place if corrupt practices, and all that flowed from them were to ‘legally’ flourish. After all no one wished to end up like the late T.Dan Smith, or worry as a previous prime minister did, that their retirement would be spoilt by plod knocking on the door In the decision’s then taken to legalize theft, there are similarities with the MP’s/Members of the Lord’s expenses scams; although the sums of money involved are in a different league. Privatization provided the opportunity which has enabled corporations, politicians, both local and national; and the senior civil servants who service them, to get their snouts into the Tax payers trough and indirectly sup great wealth into their already bulging and repugnant carcasses. As with most things that have diminished daily life in the UK, Thatcher led the way with her and her brat’s involvement in the Al Yamamah arms deal with the Saudi Arabian dictatorship. The signing of the Al Yamamah deal enabled the Saudi Royal family to receive a massive kickback from BAE Systems and its predecessor British Aerospace, which had been privatized in the 1980s by Mrs Thatcher’s government. Part of this kick back financed Thatchers retirement in the splendor she believed she was owed by the multi nationals for selling off, at knock down prices, what Harold Macmillan once called the UK’s Crown Jewells and which also enabled her son Mark to roam the world posing as an international businessman, multi millionaire and financier of failed coup’s in oil rich African States.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 16:31:22 +0000

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