The reason you get reports from Mc Whirter like the ones in the - TopicsExpress


The reason you get reports from Mc Whirter like the ones in the Herald he is a waddy that is a person who has no guts no balls unlike the other guy that writes in the Herald . But like all of these waddies he is a coward aswell that is because he is looking after his arse as he is afraid that if he calls a spade a spade he will lose his job after next september if the result does not go according to the BITTER TOGETHER BOYS.Well Mr McWhirter you like a few with the Herald would be looking for a job if they did not employ Mr Bell he has balls and no matter what happens next september he will have a job and the reason is quite simple if it were not for his articles the Herald would not survive .But as you are not in the circle I will tell you at presesent Westminster is shiting its self and you like them are trying very hard to get some response from the SNP. At the present there is nothing coming because there is no need to THE BITTER TOGETHER BOYS are doing more damage to the UNIONIST CAUSE just by their actions and threats against Scotland but let me add people have short memories and will forget much of the shite being said and printed between now and next september so in the meantime why dont you shop arround for a pair of balls and some guts and if you have difficulty in finding them I am sure Mr Bell could advise you where they can be supplied other good piece of advice dont pull the trigger until the bastards are in your face then there is a slim chance of missing them.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 23:19:18 +0000

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