The reasons Pastors today run from this, is not at all because - TopicsExpress


The reasons Pastors today run from this, is not at all because they care for you, sadly it all because of revenue for their business they have created. The Master Creator and HIS son have nothing to do with these Pastors anymore for their disobedience and their willingness to not hear HIS voice. I say to you my fellow brothers, wipe your feet and run to the FATHER SON! The FATHER will put you with a people that will follow HIS ways to spotless living. Yeshua is coming for HIS bride of truth applied they are in spotless training and making the rehearsal schedule on time! The titanic church of today will sink my friends. So get on the life boat of the tree of life! The Ice burg has cut the hull and the systems of this ship are failing. Do you not see she is filling with water the Blood Moons have shown the alarm. Some have taking their life rafts and are praying for those who dont see the dangers below! They are still having fun with their prior gifts while basking in the moon light! The rest are still eating and playing as if there is no alarm. Wake up and return to HIS ways your end is coming life a thief in the night! Grace is for those who apply themselves to the safety manual.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 06:25:01 +0000

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