The recent SCOTUS ruling that stripped parts of DOMA indicates - TopicsExpress


The recent SCOTUS ruling that stripped parts of DOMA indicates that perhaps the three branches of government are not actually co-equal as the Constitution defines. It seems that SCOTUS is more equal than the other branches. The Defense of Marriage Act was properly debated in both chambers of Congress, passed 342/67 in the House and 85/14 in the Senate and signed into law by President Clinton in 1996. There have been few Bills in the entire history of the United States that passed with such overwhelming margins. And yet….SCOTUS disregarded that major fact. If the Judicial Branch can so easily toss aside legitimate laws duly enacted by the Executive and Legislative Branches then America is destined to topple. What recourse is available to future Administrations or Congresses when the Judicial Branch runs roughshod over their Laws? The SCOTUS majority also indicated they had no regard for the will of the people. There are 37 states (74%) that do not allow gay marriage. The vast majority of Americans reject gay marriage in the polls and at the ballot box. The people of California, one of the most liberal states in America, twice rejected gay marriage. And yet….SCOTUS allowed the will of the people to be totally ignored by ducking a proper ruling on Proposition 8. What recourse is available to the people when the Courts turn a blind eye to their wishes? Based on the rapid erosion of traditional American values and the loss of judicial restraint in our court system, Americans have only one recourse: elect true conservative leaders who will enact proper laws and who will empanel conservative judges who understand the Constitution. Failure to properly identify and elect true conservatives allows the current batch of less-than-courageous GOP Senators to let Obama (and others like him in the future) pollute SCOTUS and Federal Circuit Courts with even more liberals. Remember, Sotomayer and Kagan could not have been seated without GOP votes in the Senate. HT: CP-USA
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 21:29:04 +0000

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