The recent declaration of Sir Marc Wabara the ebullient and - TopicsExpress


The recent declaration of Sir Marc Wabara the ebullient and charismatic former bank executive to serve Ndi Abia received very raving reviews amongst the critical sections of the civil society, stakeholders, gentry and commoners, judging from the immense and rapturous turn out both at the PDP local governmen headquarters in Ndoki, and State Party Headquarters in Umuahia, Abia State On August 26,2014. At the Ndoki PDP LGA party headquarters, where his expression of interest was initially announced to the party faithfuls, the grass roots, party stalwarts, and officials, there was a unanimity with the view that Marc Wabara was the man, whose time has come, given his unblemished national record of service. They assured him of a 100% support not only because he was a home boy, but because of his unblemished national reputation as a politician imbued with the purpose of securing, protecting, promoting good governance, accountability and welfare of all citizenry. Stakeholders especially the LGA party Chairman affirmed that given Wabara’s skills, experiences, intelligence, integrity, his qualities of honesty, God fearing ,he would steer the affairs of the state, with an even keel if elected. His track records reveals he is an effective politician that is trustworthy and reliable. Wabara is always poised to capture the essence of truth, sincerity, candor and practices what he preaches. He makes decisions and accepts responsibility for his actions and his words.The same is true in his dealings with his people. He makes promises and keeps them. Here is a people–centered leader that could be relied upon. Loving people with all his heart, might, mind, soul and striving to help them as a true mark of a responsible leader. As an erstwhile high flying banker whose over twenty years of successful duty tours in corporate Nigeria and in the Diaspora stood him out as a eacon, his innate integrity and technical skills to handle challenging assignments, fiscal matters, policies, plans, projects, ideas is believed, would put him in a good stead to proffer solutions to Abia problems. Armed with these commendations, the party structure and train moved to the state PDP party headquarters on Finbars road, where the cultural troupe that received him was a spectacle to behold. Wabara had a tumultuous reception by the party top brass led by Senator Emma Nwaka. Sir Marc Wabara did his pitch as he eloquently articulated the reason for the season. He extolled the founding fathers of the PDP for the vision and wisdom that powered the creation of the party in 1999 as a veritable political platform that has metamorphosed as the biggest in Africa. He acknowledged special tributes to titans like Senator Nwaka, President Goodluck Jonathan, President Obasanjo and our dear Ochendo Global Dr T A Orji father of modern Abia who is well appreciated also as Ochendo Grassroots. Sir Wabara said he broadly drew his inspiration to serve Ndi Abia because of the legacies of the incumbent Governor TA Orji ; Ochendo who by popular acclaim and all indices of best governance practice, had gone beyond the call of duty to deliver the dividends of democracy to Abia people. Here is a self effacing and thoroughbred administrator not given to razzmatazz and fanfare of so called ‘action governors’ whose predilection is to hug the klieg lights. Rather with an unflappable calmness, Dr TA Orji for eight years devoted his energies and resources to uplifting the socio economic, well being of our people. Wabara recalled that, Abia not too long ago, was a byword for kidnapping, stagnation, confrontation, divisions along various ethnic dichotomies, youth restiveness, killings, thuggery and mayhem. Because, Abia had nothing to show for more than its twenty years of existence, Ochendo had to literally commence from ground zero, to put together the building blocks that would yield the dividends of democracy in a well thought out and structured template shorn of showmanship. Sir Wabara, emphasized this was made possible because of the cooperation of party leadership in Abia state. Wabara thanked the people of Abia State the privilege, the polity had had offered him both at the state and national levels to serve. Samplers: In 2002, he served the PDP finance committee for the reelection of Obasanjo. Not too long ago Governor TA Orji asked him to play a role on the finance committee in the 2011 election period. Because of his love for Abia, he is offering to be at the beck and call of the people and ready to listen to everybody to continue to consolidate the legacy foundations for a dynamic society which will create solutions for any challenges, and finally develop strategies and political systems that will help implement those solutions automatically. The template of team work with the elements of unanimity, mutual respect and understanding of each party, will constitute his grundnorm for leadership. If elected, Governor: Wabara, avowed to leave Abia better as a payback for the love lavished on him by the state which culminated in the endowment of Enyi Abia awards. Such recognitions,gave him the impetus to serve. It was very refreshing to the public, to see an articulate candidate with an overarching vision of a Christian, political philosopher; like Joshua who was gifted with the spirit of leadership to take the Israelites to the promised land. God confirmed his position with the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River. Sir Marc Wabara has crossed the Rubicon, and Abians are earnestly yearning to follow him. His envisaged paradigm shift captures the mood of the state ipso facto the nation.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:58:23 +0000

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