The recent escalation of military action in the - TopicsExpress


The recent escalation of military action in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has seen a heightened mobilization of those who support one of each of the countries and their people. The increase in casualties has seen a concomitant rise in emotions. The language used by advocates of either side has also understandably become more emotional and aggressive. Such is the nature of politics and we should expect this. At the same time, there has been a vocal, ugly minority who has spewed anti-Semitism, holocaust denialism and other vulgar, crass and idiotic bile. Sadly, some of these are ANC members. The ANC can have no truck with such people and what they articulate. As we condemn the use of violence against the Palestinians and where this happens against Israelis, we must condemn this reactionary and fascist tendency. A post on Facebook by an ANC member and volunteer, in which Hitler was applauded for the holocaust, has brought about angry responses by many people, including the SA Jewish Board of Deputies. These outraged responses are justified. The ANC can never stand with fascism, Nazism or support the holocaust. The ANC must condemn these statements and utterances and if ANC members make these, disciplinary action must be taken against them unless they withdraw these remarks and apologise for them. There have also been text messages circulated that purport to present evidence that the holocaust never took place. Similar action must be taken against those who make such nonsensical claims. To deny the holocaust or to support it is not only an insult to Jews, to those whose families lost loved ones in the holocaust, but also to the gays and lesbians, disabled people, Romany people and communists and many others who also died in the concentration camps. It is an insult to those who fought and defeated fascism, including many South African service men and women. We must ensure that South Africans understand the difference between the following; 1. Support for the Palestinian right to independence and self-determination This means supporting the right for Palestinians to have their own sovereign state and to not be threatened by Israel. 2. Being against the use of violence in the defense of Palestine and/or Israel. This is a pacifist position. 3. Being anti the existence of Israel Holding the position that Israel is a creation of the imperialist influence over the Middle East and therefor not supporting its existence. While many used to support this position, the peace negotiations in the region have allowed that both states now be recognized. 4. Being anti-Zionist Holding the position that Zionism is a reactionary political phenomenon. While one may disagree with any of these positions, they are not fundamentally reactionary. The merits of each position can be argued. Any member of the ANC may hold one or more of these views. Anti-Semitism, holocaust denialism or being anti-Islam is a different matter. It does the Palestinian cause no good to deny the holocaust. Equally, being anti-Semitic is to blame people and not the system they are part of, whether voluntarily or not. Nelson Mandela made a clear distinction in the struggle against apartheid between being against the system and not White people. The same applies to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Similarly, there are those people who blame Islam for this conflict and other problems in the region. This is as bad as being anti-Semitic. A religion does not dictate peoples actions. Therefor to be prejudiced against a religion is a measure of a persons reactionary politics and nothing else. Let us all mobilise for an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Let us all express our solidarity with those who suffer violence, oppression and abuse. But in doing so, let us not lose our humanity and become worse than those we condemn. Dr. Phillip David Dexter is a political activist, academic and entrepreneur, writes in his personal capacity.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 19:15:28 +0000

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