The recent post of this...Hate-Spewing Filthy Viperous Talmudic - TopicsExpress


The recent post of this...Hate-Spewing Filthy Viperous Talmudic Zionist Vulture Bottom-Feeder Xenophobe Girl... was ironically accurate, as it countered to this blatant Xenophobe Propaganda post here, because you admitted the definite Propaganda on both sides! Thus, if this Terror Attack in Paris really happened as depicted on CNN and other Mainstream Corporate Network News, then does it make sense for the Black Muslim Terrorist to call CNN to boast about his plans before attacking the (Kosher Market)?!? And if the Terror Attack in Paris really happened as depicted on CNN and other Mainstream Corporate Network News, then WHY all these Contradicting Articles depicting different Scenarios...some in established News-Media, are coming out?!? You were right before that Propaganda is being deployed on both sides! But should this be the merit, then whose PROPAGANDA does this Xenophobe Narrative of all these supposed Muslim Fanatics running around and conveniently showing up exactly when these Satirical Cartoonists have their Weekly Meeting and shooting them, serve?!? How did these Pot smoking Loser Muslim Brothers Terrorist-Rappers know how to get into the building without much havoc and show up right during the Exact time when these these Satirical Cartoonists have their Weekly Meeting?!? And if this Xenophobe Narrative that depicted this Black Muslim Terrorist with hatred against all JEWS is true, why the hell would he go to this Kosher Market and (call CNN to boast about his plans), right before opening fire on Jewish Customers shopping at this Kosher Market!?! And if these Pot smoking Loser Muslim Brothers Terrorist-Rappers did indeed shot these Police Men at the scene when they were trying to leave the Satirical Magazine Building, then why is the only person killed turned out to be a Crypt Jewish Guy who recently converted to Islam at Mossads order and turned to be Mossad Double Agent!?! I suspect the reason behind this Black Muslim Terrorist who (called CNN to boast about his plans), right before opening fire on Jewish Customers shopping at this Kosher Market, was set up by Mossad to deter Suspicion away from Israel! Why would anyone ever suspect the most Moral Country that has the most Moral Army of Israel?!? After all, arent we the Worthless Goyim supposed to worship ISRAEL and the Zionist Global Elite Bankster Mafia that establish Israel...who for 150 years have steadily gained control over most of the Worlds Monetary System and now CONTROL most Western Governments...?!? Well, this because two weeks before this Bad-Muslim Terrorist Attacks in Paris, Netenyahu was publicly quote of French national Newspaper Warning France will Face Grave consequences if they Vote for Palestine!?! Surprise, Surprise just two weeks later..., Frances famed Satirical Newspaper that also depicted ISIS Leader...being a Mossad Agent gets Terror Attack that reeks of Mossad Agency involvement being behind it! And so I list of the many Contradictory Scenarios and Convenient Circumstances that pop up everywhere as one tries to investigate the TRUTH behind this Terror Attack! And might I add that once again this Terror Attack/Mossad Inside Job serves the Zionist Jewish Xenophobe Narrative and Publicized Mainstream Corporate News over repeated Propaganda about most Muslims being Terrorists and how Islam is Violent Religion!?! Once again, I point out this Terror Attack/Mossad Inside Job NOT only serves the Zionist Jewish Xenophobe Narrative, but also serves Netenyahus and Israels Likud Partys agenda! How? It blatantly clear that this Terror Attack/Mossad Inside Job serves the Zionist Jewish Agenda of Coercing all Jews to migrate to Israel, so the Criminal Zionist-Fascist Government that ruled by the Criminal Fascist Right Wing Likud Party can have an excuse to Displace even more Palestinians...+ from their homes and build more Illegal Settlements there, in spite of all UN Charters that have declared this to be a Illegal!!! So given all these facts I have mentioned and those I deducted before, this indeed was a clumsy Mossad Inside Job that ended up serving Israels Interests! ************************************************************************ To all those......who keep pointing out these lunatic clerics and Muslim Extremist calling for Sharia Law in Europe and America and how can a Society allow Muslim Freedom of Speech that Violently imposes its agenda on others?!? You never bother asking all these supposed Muslim Fanatics running around calling for Vile-Backward Saudi Arabia-Style State in America or in Europe, whose Propaganda Purpose are they serving?!? The fact is all these supposed Muslim Fanatics calling for Sharia Law are creating Anti-Muslim Atmosphere in France that previously was pro-Muslim and Palestinian and thus consequently led to French Government voting for Recognizing Palestine as State!!! With all these LUNATIC Clerics and Muslim Terrorists running around chopping heads and calling for Sharia Law here and there, where in fact is there Sharia Law other than few insane Muslim Countries like Saudi Arabia?!? There no such bull-crap in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt or even in Libya...even during Qaddafis Time! Not even in Afghanistan was there such a law put in place for long, even before 2001 when US Barbaric Rapist-Criminal Imperialistic Zionist Military Illegally Invaded the country in wake of 9/11 Mossad-CIA Inside Job!!! I admit the Taliban supported by beloved Zionist-Imperialistic Criminal-Democracy America...tried to set up Sharia Law in Afghanistan during the 80s when CIA was supporting Mojahadin...and yes Ben Laden in their fight against the Soviet Union! But in fact, by my count Afghanistan and Pakistan only countries that almost established Sharia Law within their own borders...! Of course with exclusion of Saudi Arabia whose Ex-convicts are right now in Syria and Iraq, BUTCHERING and Blowing-Up Men, Women and Children in order to set up Islamic State of ISIS within Oil-Rich Regions of Iraq and Syria that would be convenient to ISRAHELLs Oil Profit Revenues...!!! ******************************************************************************** Fake Muslim Terrorists Created by Photo Shop in French Terror Hoax Other Hoaxes Zionist Terror — 10 January 2015 Fake Muslim Terrorists Created by Photo Shop in French Terror Hoax Print Friendly Fake Muslim Terrorists Created by Photo Shop in French Terror Hoax It cannot be said enough what is the standard claim regarding the French Kosher market issue, which is that it was an attack by Muslims against Jews: all at the hands of a never-before-known person named Ahmedy Coulibaly. People have thus presumed that this surely must be a real hatred attack by Muslims. This is the perception, even though it is all terminal lies. Of note, the word “Ahmed” originally derives from Hebrew and is found in the Bible, translated as “comforter.” The name for the Prophet of Islaam is a derivative of this word. Nevertheless, the actions of France’s arch-Zionist cabal are ones of absolute desperation. Desperate people make desperate moves and, therefore, blunder severely. This is precisely the case, here, where these hoaxes were manufactured hurriedly, and as a result gross blunders were made. Despite such blunders and in spite of the obvious nature of the fraud, still people presume that this is somehow an act of the Muslim faith, radical or otherwise. Incredibly, it is precisely the opposite, which is an act of extremist, diabolical Zionist Jews. Moreover, the perpetrator, so it is so universally stated, wasnt just any kind of Muslim but, rather, an Islamist: an Islamic extremist – not at all, a terrorist in the name of Islam: Islamist Terrorist Seizes Kosher Supermarket Near Paris in … Algemeiner Journal 1 day ago – French Jewish website JSSNews reported that the supermarket siege began at 1 PM local time, shortly … According to Le Monde, Coulibaly and one of the Charlie Hebdo terrorists, Cherif Kouachi, were two …. Algeria connection Zionist Abraham Coulibaly – Name Popularity – Whitepages The name Coulibaly, Mali in origin, is, therefore, associated with Hebrew-used given names. Coulibaly is used both by Jews and Muslims. Ahmedy is of Hebrew origin. This appears to be a sufficiently bizarre picture, too. Let us look more closely: Why is the man with the beard, left screen, in full light on both his face and shoulder, while Coulibaly seems to have no such major light source striking him? The light is coming in from the area of the left screen. Why is he so dark? Regardless of the nature of the image what is seen is the pattern of lines. A good percentage of the images of this man have those noticeable lines running through them. Research is now being done to determine just what is the reason for such defects. They are defects which arise from those Zionist agents who created and uploaded such imagery. It should be no surprise that this man is an espionage mole and not a ‘fundamentalist’ Muslim. Coulibaly has received audience with top officials, including former Israeli cohort and French President, Sarkozy: Moreover, here he is feeling comfortable saying, ‘not so sure I like this guy Sarkozy,’ a Muslim extremist, sure. It is simply not plausible that a French individual who has such ready access to the President then, suddenly, because an ‘Islamic terrorist.’ That audience with the former Sarkozy Zionist-infested government is hard proof of the set-up and hoax. Regardless, he isnt a Muslim. Like other Mossad agents he is using that as a disguise. A beard was noticed in one of the images. Suddenly, and in this image alone, he grows one. Is it even real? I have removed the other images (beard, etc.) while furthering scrutinizing it. What is that grey color next to the beard line? It is surely anomalous. Moreover, why is that lower bear so densely black; doesnt look normal. That’s because it isnt normal. It has been drawn in: The hedonistic Zionists attempted to cover up their black brush strokes with tan or brown color but it bled through. It was even tainting the tip of the nose in this imagery. Notice, too, it’s completely off-center nature, with more mass being to the right of the corner of the lip than the left. As well, significantly, brush strokes, downward strokes, can be seen throughout the image, including on the upper lip. There was a great deal of painting going on, here. It’s not all pixillation. No wonder they darkened the image. This image appears to be exceedingly fake, as if the woman has been put into the frame artificially. He is supposed to be married to this person. He could not be. Look at the hard features of the scarf, along with the defects in color lateral to it and coming off of it, right screen. That is evidence of cut lines and Photo Shop corruption: See the obvious cut lines, glaringly so, about the eyes. The lines follow under the head-dress. This is Photo Shop hack job perpetrated by the Mossad, likely from Jerusalem and/or Tel Aviv. There can be no other explanation for those lines,. Oddly, the remainder of the nose can be seen through the lightened-up image. It is likely that this was an image of an actual person while the eye part was cut and then spliced in. Regardless, there has to be an explanation for her ‘role’ in the scam. No self-respecting Muslim woman would offer her face or imagery for such an event. Moreover, it is simply not plausible that, at once, she is a bikini person then, suddenly, she switches over to another type of personality, while, then, deciding to go out and kill Jews. The lines even cross over the iris. That is not normal anatomy. The antisemitic canard used to substantiate the hoax Too, the use by the Zionists of the ‘antisemitism’ canard, ‘He just came specifically to kill Jews,’ is clear evidence of the hoax and the fact that the man associated with that claim, A. Coulibaly, is himself a Zionist agent. The other ‘associate,’ Hayat Boumediene, is also a Zionist agent. French police named the hostage taker as Amedy Coulibaly (right). Police also named Hayat Boumeddiene (left) as helping him. However, it is no longer clear whether she was involved What kind of horrible, asinine image is this? Notice the actual dabbed paint on the background of the image as well as the gross corruption of the face from Photo Shop manipulation. NOTE: This is hard proof of Photo Shop corruption. Count the large blobs about the nose. There are three of them. This is the “triplicate pattern” determined by this site, a residue of Photo Shop alteration. A similar triplicate blob is seen about the corner of the left lip and above. It looks like the most grotesque disease in the universe, as if her face is being eaten up, like leprosy or another. Even so, if it was mere compression or pixlillation, why is only her nasal region impacted? Here is another version of the image slightly less corrupted. Note what appears to be a cut line following the contact between both of their faces: The paint brushing and blobs remain visible in this image also. How could anyone possibly believe that the image of the two together on a beach is real? Even the clearer one, right screen, appears to be corrupt, with a cut line noted right through the middle of the upper lip. The Mossad agents who did this left a residue in the imagery as straight vertical lines just to the right (left screen) of midline. The crossbow is in tighter focus than her hand or face, the sights in particular. Nevertheless, even if these were real pictures it is irrelevant. This is staged for public consumption strictly for the purposes of creating Islamophobia. Who can demonstrate otherwise? She looks awfully stiff, awfully artificial, almost like a dummy. Good God, what in the world is the matter with her now? Clearly, this is evidence of gross manipulation of the image through Photo Shop. The same line is seen in this image: There are cut lines throughout this image. Only or two are pointed out. Regardless of the nature of the photographs they had to fake such a faux Islamic element. That’s because by no means would France’s Muslim community have anything to do with such a fraud. Rather, they would, fearing retribution, go the other way, siding on peace, taking the route of caution, abstaining from any such purported retribution. Too, the images are usually grainy, and that is done purposely. High-grade, high-resolution images regarding the crisis actor gunmen and their associates are rarely provided. nodisinfo/fake-muslim-terrorists-created-photoshop-french-terror-hoax/ ************************************************************************
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 19:48:58 +0000

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