The religious establishment spends a lot of time arguing against - TopicsExpress


The religious establishment spends a lot of time arguing against the validity of the defining scientific principles of our time, and its always been that way. Science and free thinking and asking questions about why things are the way they are has been the most consistently identifiable enemy of organized religion throughout the ages, and it always will be. Trying to answer all the questions of how and why the universe exists is our version of flying too close to the sun. Were proud of what weve learned how to do without divine intervention, and were going to take it as far as we can, and the people who want you to just shut up and follow God will never see that as a good thing and will never stop warning anyone who will listen about what happens when we try to play God. If were ever going to unravel the mysteries of the universe, though, its most likely going to happen through science, and, if the Bible is to be believed, everything about that desire can be traced back to Satan tricking us into wanting to know how the world works. Im not saying that is or isnt the case, because, again, no one can say for sure. Im just saying that, if it is, Im not convinced a lot of people arent backing the wrong horse Truly excellent article. Lauren, Vivian.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 20:30:47 +0000

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