The representation submitted stated that the Narendra Modi - TopicsExpress


The representation submitted stated that the Narendra Modi Government has made futile attempt to make people outside Gujarat unaware about reality by creating hype of development and good governance. It has been demanded in the representation that investigation be carried out through independent agency since investigations in corruption are not being carried out by investigation agencies ofGujaratsince they are made inert. The several documents submitted along with the representation with detailed note are enclosed herewith. 1. Land allotment with meager rate to industrialist in capital Gandhinagar without auction 2. Land allotment with meager rate to industrialist in capital Gandhinagar without auction. Land acquired for the Capital Project is mainly used for the purpose of establishment of Government infrastructure including housing Assembly and the State Secretariat and allied offices. More and above, residential plots are allotted in selected sectors to State Government employees and priority social sectors. The lands are not being sold to any private parties keeping in view future requirement of the State infrastructures. In some of the cases when properties are proposed to be sold to the private parties it is being sold by holding public auction only. Giving said process go by, following industries have been allotted lands at throw away or meager price, details whereof have been set out in the In the year 1999, Indian Air Force (IAF), South- West Air Command (SWAC) applied for land for their Head Quarter requirement, Government of India asked to pay 7-times more than the rate of allotment to the above industrialists. IAF consistently followed up with Hon’ble Chief Minister for 7 years to give land at par with industries but ineffective. At the intervention of Hon’ble Prime Minister, the Government of Gujarat was compelled to transfer this land at par with the industries. Total loss to the treasury due to above-mentioned land allotment to the industries is worked out to be Rs.51,97,16,22,317 crores. Under the Right to Information Act, details of aforesaid allotments were sought from the concerned Department of Government of Gujarat. Certain data have also been collected so as to substantiate what is stated hereinabove 1. Rs.33,000 crores concession to Tata Nano Car Project Tata Motors Ltd. has established Nano Car Project at Sanand, Ahmedabad. The total project cost is Rs.2200 crores. Said project was proposed to be established initially at Singur, West Bengalwhich is now shifted to Gujarat after a clandestine understanding with Tata Motors Ltd. and the Chief Minister of Gujarat. It is stated that the whole project was negotiated by Ms. Neera Radia. The astonishing fact of the said project is that the cost of relocation from Singur to Sanand,Gujarat is of Rs.700 crores. The total project cost including shipping cost was projected to be Rs.2900 crores, however, corruption is done in the aforesaid negotiated project, details whereof are as follows:- 1100 acres of land has been allotted without auction to Tata Motors @ Rs.900/- per Cost of the land recovered is Rs.400 crores whereas market rate of the said land is about Rs.10,000/- per Tata Motor has been given facility of payment of said land cost by installment of Rs.50 crores each at the interval of every 6 months. This land was originally belong to the Government of Gujarat which was reserved for Veterinary University. It was dereserved by a stroke of pen overnight and allotted to Tata Motors without following due process and without any transparency. The loan of Rs.9,570/- crores has been given to Tata Motors @ 0.10% interest with moratorium of 20 years. It may be noted that that the total cost of the said project is stated to be Rs.2200 crores, against that total project cost, a loan of Rs.9570 /- crores has been given which is more than 4.25 times more . It may be noted that no financial institution will, in any circumstances, grant loan more than 100% of the total project cost. In ordinary circumstances, finance would be 70 to 80%, depending upon credit-worthiness of the loanee. That is a sound principle of finance being followed worldwide. More and above, the Government has exempted Tata Motors from payment of Stamp Duty, Registration Charges on the conveyance or transfer of lands and also provided free of cost two to four land roads connectivity from the State Highway to the project site. More and above, the Government of Gujarat has also promised acquisition of land for rail connectivity upto DMIC to the Tata Motors and also agreed to provide land for ancillary industries and established all infrastructures for electric power including installation of 220 KVa power supply through Double Circuited Feeder and the Tata Motors is exempted from payment of Electricity Duty. Tata Motors has been provided with 1400 cubic liters water per day at the project site and also permitted to draw ground water for immediate need. Said project is in a Dark Zone and therefore, no farmer is permitted to draw sub-soil water. No fresh electric connections are given to even farmers for drawl of subsoil water. Water table of the said area is highly disturbed and salinity ingress is very high in subsoil water. The Government has also agreed to provide facilities for disposal of hazardous waste and also permission for disposal of treated waste water and agreed to develop Transport Nagar on the principle ofPPP– Public Private Participation. The Government has also proposed to acquire 100 acres of land forTownshipofTata Motorsand also agreed to provide facilities for laying down of the Natural Gas Pipeline from point of supply till the site. In the aforesaid project, the Government of Gujarat and the State exchequer is suffering loss of Rs.33,000 crores . It is stated that in one Nano Car produced in Sanand plant, State Government contribution is more than Rs.60,000/-, so, for every car produced in Tata Motor plant, Gujarat tax payer looses Rs.60,000/- which is continuous loss. This is not a transparent deal. Few hundred crores of rupees have been exchanged in granting such permission and all the details were kept under the sleeves at the time when the project was inaugurated by Chief Minister Narendra Modi in presence of the Ratan Tata and Neera Radia. No details were disclosed at the relevant time. Only after application was submitted under the Right to Information Act, certain facts have been disclosed, however, full facts are not forthcoming. This is a clandestine well-designed, meticulously executed corrupt deal which deserves investigation. In support of the aforesaid contentions, relevant material so far made available under the Right to Information Act and collected from other sources, including photographs of the Chief Minister, Ms. Neera Radia and Mr. Ratan Tata showing their closeness.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:18:00 +0000

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