The respected Janaab Shabeer Ahmad Roo’ee Waala had a lengthy - TopicsExpress


The respected Janaab Shabeer Ahmad Roo’ee Waala had a lengthy association with our respected father (Allaah have mercy on him). This essay of his was in our keeping for some time and its abridged version was printed in the Daily Jang for last year’s ‘Urs Shareef. In this magazine the entire essay has been printed. The Time Passed Were Good Times Bismil Laahir Rahmaan Nir Raheem The appeal and enchantment of the voice froze me in my tracks as though I had no energy left within me. Even I the scorching sun I could not move my feet forward. It was a Friday and before attending the Friday Salaat I had to complete some business work but that voice that reached my ears made me stop thinking about everything. What a voice! It was magically. A crowd had gathered by the roundabout near Mahajareen Masjid in Montgomery (Sahiwal) like an Eid gathering. I tried to move forward towards this charming voice, but my efforts to reach the masjid did not succeed. There was no possibility of getting through because there were so many people and outside within the tent it was packed with people sitting in rows. After a lot of struggle I made some space to sit in the shade. Never before had I such a large crowd for the Friday Salaat, anywhere. It did not take me long to realize all these people were also memorized by that voice, that style, expression and speech which had also fascinated me. Salaat was performed after quite a while and the crowd was enthusiastic till the end. After Durood and Salutation people rushed into the Masjid so they could shake and kiss the hands of this personality whom they have gathered to listen. For the first time I saw this unique orator and in moments like these time just flies. In simple attire and a very elegant turban his luminous face and dignified personality was before me. This was my first meeting with Khateeb-e-‘Azam Mujadid-did Maslaak-e-Ahle Sunnat ‘Aashiq-e-Rasool Hazrat Maulaana Muhammad Shaf’ee Okarvi (Allaah have mercy on him). After kissing and shaking his hands I stood to one side and kept my eyes on the public meeting him but my sight kept coming back to the smiling luminous face of Hazrat. When the crowd dwindled I moved forward and said respectfully, “My name is Shabeer Ahmad. I am a Rajput with a small factory in Lahore but I am a citizen of Karachi. My permanent residency is in the area of Meetadar.” Hazrat Sahaab said with a smile, “I still haven’t even seen Karachi, never had the chance to go there.” There were many people around Hazrat Sahaab but it was my good fortune that Hazrat Sahaab held my hand and left the Masjid taking me to a shop in the market of Pak-Patan. The owner of the shop was very excited as though it was Eid. Very respectfully he seated Hazrat Maulaana in the shop and offered him laasi (yogurt drink). Hazrat told me he comes here to lead the Friday salaat but lives in the city of Okara and was returning that day. I forgot my work and said, “I will go with you to Okara.” That evening I reached Okara with Hazrat Sahaab and met his respected father and brothers. I was also introduced to one of Hazrat Sahaab’s brothers-in-law Shaiekh Muhammad Basheer Sahaab. A bed was arranged for me in the courtyard of the house. Back in 1954 the [outdoor] lighting and brightness was not like it is today, and so the city of Okara was silent after Esha. This city was named Okara because of the abundance of oak trees. After the partition and due to the Satlugh Cotton Mills this city was considered important. In the hot weather my thirst bothered me and instead of sleeping I became restless. This was the first time I had came to Hazrat Sahaab’s house without being invited and I felt too embarrassed to raise my voice and call one of the household. Then I thought about what I had heard about the People of Allaah. How with the Grace of Allaah they can know the condition of people. As I was thinking about this Hazrat Maulaana came himself with a glass and a jug filled with cold water and said, “Soofee Sahaab you must be feeling thirsty. Drink some water and keep this jug with you.” He also said, “If you need anything else then just call out for it instead of only thinking. My respected father, brothers and I will be sleeping in the courtyard.” I said, “Hazrat Sahaab, not only have you relieved by distress, you have also strengthened my faith.” This was for me the first miracle of Hazrat Sahaab. I could feel love and devotion for him in the bottom of my heart. After sleeping for a little while, I suddenly woke up again. I heard the sound of Zikr-e-Ellaahi (Remembrance of Allaah). The voice was very quiet but in the darkness of night it sounded very melodious and admirable. I kept listening for some time then got up to do wuzu (ablution) and offered my nawafil (voluntary prayer) of Tahaj-jud. As I raised my hands for duaa (supplication) a flood of tears poured from my eyes. In the court of Allaah I said, “You had me meet one of Your blessed people so please let this association last forever. This association will increase with ieemaan (faith) and devotion. My relationship with Hazrat Sahaab must not break.” Maybe it was a moment of acceptance or perhaps the voice of my heart and this prayer was accepted. The acquaintances are witness of this, my devotion and love towards Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi remains more than to my real brothers. Early the next morning, I was sitting on the prayer mat when Hazrat’s father came to wake me for Fajr salaat. I asked, “The sound of Zikr-e-Ellaahi was heard in the night, who was reading it?” Instead of answering he said, “I hope it did not disturb your sleep.” I said, “I wanted that voice to keep reading so I could keep listening to it.” He said, “We are going to the masjid.” I went with him to the masjid of the formerly known Lady Park, now Ghausiyah Park and read Fajr with the gathering. At the end Hazrat Sahaab’s father continued to read wazaa’if (daily worship) for a long time. I came home with Hazrat Maulaana and requested permission to go back. Hazrat said, “Go after breakfast.” I had gone to Montgomery for worldly business but with the religious and spiritual blessings that I have comeback I consider it my good luck. After this I would often go to Montgomery from Lahore to read my Friday salaat and attend the speeches of Hazrat Sahaab. I have been blessed to hear the auspicious speeches of Hazrat Sahaabzadah Faiez-ul-Hassan Shah Aloo Muhaar Shareef Walay, Hazrat Maulaana Abdul Ghafoor Hazarwi, Hazrat Maulaana Muhammad ‘Umar Acharwee and Shaiekh-ul-Hadees Hazrat Maulaana Sardaar Ahmad Layalpuri. Each one had their own styles and they all were great pious men but Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi had all their qualities combined. With him not only the world but also commoners are benefitted. Hazrat Maulaana Muhammad Basheer Kooti Luharaah Walay Sultan-ul-Waa’iz was very famous and gave very good speeches. However some of these pious people did not have clear elocution or used difficult words and some did not have clear pronunciation while others had no attention to melody. But Maulaana Okarvi was blessed by Almighty Allaah in such a way that he had no match. I have seen such gathering where other pious elders were present but the crowd would only call repeatedly for Maulaana Okarvi to speak. And have also seen such greatness that all these pious personalities would be happy with the popularity of Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi. Instead of jealousy they would honor him. From 1952 to 1954, the prominent efforts of Maulaana Okarvi for the Movement of Khatm-e-Nabuuwat were well known throughout Punjab in those days. Two of Hazrat’s sons (Muneer Ahmad and Tanveer Ahmad) died within ten days of each other while Hazrat Maulaana was held in prison for ten months under the Safety Act and Section 144. I also came to know a lot of things in meetings with Hazrat’s respected father. He told me about his ba’it (allegiance) in Sharaqpur Shareef to Sher-e-Rabbaani Hazrat Miyan Sher Muhammad Sahaab Naqshbandi Mujad-didee and how Hazrat Sher-e-Rabbaani also foretold the good news of greatness and promise before the birth of Maulaana Okarvi by saying, “Rivers of light will flow.” Hazrat’s respected father would say of Haaji Karam Ellaahi, “When I heard this good news I could not fully understand the reality of it. But now when I see my son busy in religious work, with the accomplishment of Maslaak-e-Haq Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at and see the fame and popularity then I see what Hazrat Sher-e-Rabbaani saw.” He told me the dream he saw before Hazrat Maulaana’s brith and how he lived in Khem Karan (East Punjab) before Pakistan’s independence. Also how his respected father Hazrat Allaah Dita passed away when he was young and how he lived with his paternal uncle but the uncle kept a little bit more unkindness. Hazrat Maulaana’s respected father would be in tears while he told these events but along with it he would prayed for his uncle’s salvation and said, “Whatever Allaah does, there is betterment in it for us.” He also told me how he often spent nights in the Masjid finding satisfaction in spiritual practices. One night he saw the moon had come down from the sky and was in his lap, its cool light spreading in all four directions. Its interpretation, given by religious spiritual person Haafiz Karam Ellaahi, was that a pious son will be borne who would spread the light of religion. Hazrat Maulaana’s father told me he had the business of blanket making in Kharam Khen, his whole family was part of the business, people of Okara had gained religious education and had done jobs and are placed in high positions. He had Haafiz Karam Ellaahi read a’zaan and iqaamat in his son’s ears, so the first sound that went into Hazrat Maulaana’s ears was Durood Shareef. He told me the time when on 2nd Ramadaan 1348 A.H., he went to the Bambalaan Masjid in Khem Karan to read ‘Asr salaat and as it finished someone from home came to the door of the masjid to give the news of a son born at the house of Miyan Karam Ellaahi. After hearing this, the people raised the slogan of Takbeer and Risaalat to welcome the newborn. Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi’s father told that he had spent his life in scarcity and harshness but had never even touched something that was forbidden (haraam) or even that which had a doubt of being forbidden. All praise to Allaah! And had always given priority to Islaamic laws (sharee’at) and the traditions of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam). He also told the stories of Hazrat Maulaana’s childhood, early education, Na’at recitation, start of oration, participation in the Pakistan Movement and the migration. It is human nature that when one has love, devotion or association with someone there is a desire to know more and more about that person. I cannot say this with authority, but it is possible that so much detail of early stories of Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi is not even known to his close family. Along with his greatness and abilities, I want these details to be treasured so that our coming generation know what are the conditions that create the foundation of the greatness and excellence in our religious spiritual leaders? What stages they pass through, these conditions give guidance to thousands and are worth following. In those days besides leading the Friday prayers in the Jami’ah Masjid Mahajareen Montgomery (Sahiwal), Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi was also in charge of the religious department of Balai School. He finished his Dars-e-Nizaami, Dura’I Hadees and Tafseer from Hazrat Maulaana Ghulaam ‘Alee Okarvi Sahaab. The Shaiekh-e-Hadees, Ghazaali-e-Zamaan Hazrat Allaamah Saiyyid Ahmad Sa’eed Kazmee Shaah Sahaab of Anwar-ul-Uloom has also certificated Hazrat Maulaana. Day and night the number of gatherings held to hear the orations of Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi were not heard or seen for anyone else. Hazrat would travel non-stop and this was also amazing that even though he would normally have four to five programs in a day there was no change in his voice whereas the throats of other orators would be ruined and would not remain in good condition. I have also seen the Hazrat’s diet, he would eat very simple and very little food. All his qualities are only gifted by Allaah. For some time Hazrat also opened a clothing shop in the Ghol Chowk of Okara. However due to his constant travels he could not look after it so had to close that shop. Then in Sharqpur Shareef, Hazrat Maulaana took the allegiance on the hand of the brother of Hazrat Sher-e-Rabbaani Miyaan Sheer Muhammad, Hazrat Miyaan Ghulaam Allaah also known as Saani Sahaab Sharqpuri in the chain of Silsilah-e-Naqshbandi. It seemed he was not the disciple of Hazrat Saani Saahab but rather he was his aspiration. Hazrat had great love and devotion towards his spiritual guide and murshid. And the disciple was very dear to Hazrat Saani Saahab. Every year on the occasion of the ‘Urs Shareef, Hazrat Saani Saahab would give such acceptation to Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi as thought a very important guest was being honored. I had the fortune to go to several spiritual abodes (khaanqaah) and courts (barghah) with Hazrat Maulaana Sahaab. I only saw in every spiritual abodes and with guide Hazrat was very admired and valued. Everyone would revere him and gave him importance. It was an unusual acceptance by his teachers that they have fame due to Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi. In relation to popularity, it is true that no single person has had so much fame throughout a country only for religious services or oration or has everyone from the affluent to common not only recognized but also respect and love him. This personality was only Hazrat Maulaana Muhammad Shaf’ee Okarvi (Allaah have mercy on him). This would truly be Almighty Allaah’s special Grace and special popularity in the court of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam). Hazrat Maulaana was not only famous but he was also much admired and valued by everyone. This kind of fame and respect is only gained by virtues that originate from truth and loyalty. And who doesn’t know Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi’s whole life was spent in the love of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam). He had no discrepancies in his speech or action, his external or internal, his speech or his life. All his life he proved himself to be worthy of whatever the Almighty Most Bountiful Allaah had blessed him with. And everyone accepted it. Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) have himself blessed Hazrat with the auspiciousness of his vision two three times to in Hazrat’s dreams and had given the great news of acceptance in his court. I have also heard this dream from Hazrat Maulaana that when he celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr in Madinah Munawwarah for the first time he had asked the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) for eidee (eid gift) and said, “On the day of Eid even a father does not deprive an unworthy son. You (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) are very gracious to your followers.” He also went to the graves of Hazrat Saiyyid-dus Shuhadah Hamzah Bin Abdul Mutaalib and Hazrat Saiyyidul Abul Fazal Abbaas Bin Abdul Mutaalib (Allaah have mercy on them) and asked them to mediate. On the same night Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi (Allaah have mercy on him) saw in his dreams a golden tablet which was very bright and beautiful and a hand appears. One letter after the other this hand writes “Muhammad Shaf’ee.” While in Madinah Munawwarah Hazrat lived in the house of the Qutb-e-Madinah Hazrat Maulaana Ziaa-ud-deen Qaadiree who asked when Hazrat told him this dream, “Did you ask the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) for anything?” Maulaana told him he had asked for eidee. He replied, “It is the saying of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam), “Almighty Allaah has blessed me with a golden tablet on which I write the names of my special servants. Like this you have received the certification in the court of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam).” This was the blessing of the popularity that Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi was famous and loved everywhere for. I had spent years with him and we also became brothers by exchanging turbans. I also received his association in journeys, visitation (to Madinah Munawwarah) and Ummrah and also gained his connection and coexistence. There was not even a slightest bit of conceit and pride in this famous and respected person. If I write all my memories then the readers will consider it no more than self-projection and self-promotion on my behalf. Honestly I would say Hazrat Maulaana was a true walee (Friend of Allaah) and Allaah walay (devoted to Allaah) and this was his truthfulness and sincerity that he was famous in everywhere. In Ramadaan of 1955, Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi came to Karachi with his teacher Hazrat Maulaana Ghulaam ‘Alee Sahaab. The people of Karachi forced him to stay. The famous spiritual leader of Okara, Hazrat Peer Sahaab Karmah Walay said to Maulaana Okarvi, “You have been appointed to duty in Karachi. You have to serve religion there.” And gave him lots of blessing and ordered him to go to Karachi. When the people of Sahiwal heard the news that Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi was moving permanently to Karachi they cried loudly. That scene was unforgettable when the people of Sahiwal lay across the railway tracks so that the train carrying Maulaana would only move forward after killing them. In the history of Sahiwal and maybe nowhere else has it ever been witnessed such emotion for a beloved religious personality that such a scene had to be exhibited by the people to stop him from leaving a city. From the young to the elder, all cried loudly. I wish the way Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi comforted those people could have been captured on film, but they will be preserved in our heart and eyes. From 1956, Hazrat Maulaana permanently settled in Karachi. I also came to Karachi after leaving the factory in Lahore and started a cotton business on the advice of Hazrat. Due to this the word roo’ee (cotton) was attached to my name. Hazrat was appointed as the khateeb (orator) and Imaam (leader) of the large new Memon Masjid of Karachi on Bundar Road (now called M. A. Jinnah Road). This masjid was newly constructed and it was only the arrival of Hazrat that gave the feeling of the coming of a spiritual spring. Lanes and streets of Karachi began to echo and resound with the chants of love for the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam). On the behalf of Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at a series of gatherings in the first ten days of the month of Muharram and a procession for Eid Meelaad-Un-Nabee (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) was inaugurated. Haaji Muhammad Siddeeq use to have a fabric shop in the Iqbaal Cloth Market and his respected father, Iqbaal Sahaab Hotel Walay was a great devotee of our Hazrat Saahab. While sitting in his shop Hazrat penned down the rules and regulations for the conception of the organization: Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at and inaugurated the “Jamaa’at Ahle Sunnat” in 1956. Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi is the founder and first leader (ameer) of this Jamaa’at. Congregations began to be held every Sunday between ‘Asr to Magrib which spread in different areas of the city. Daily gatherings were held for Hazrat’s speeches and every gathering was worth witnessing. There would be a shortage of space in the vicinity of the gathering. And even to 2.30 to 3:00 in the night, for three to four hours people would listen to him speak with great attention and no one would move from their place until the end of his speech. I witnessed such incidents where not only people walking in the streets but also those in vehicles would stop when they heard Hazrat and would not move until they heard the speech. Hazrat Maulaana became the most known and loved personality in the city. After being the orator in Memon Masjid he lived in Sultan Mansion near Kaachi Qabr. There his son was borne who is now known throughout the world with the name Allamaah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi. Hazrat Maulaana did not stay with the Memon Masjid for long because the organizer there wanted to control Hazrat in every way. They wanted the cooperation of the khateeb (orator) to favor certain politicians. However Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi would only follow the instructions and orders of the Qur’aan and the Sunnat in his speech and actions. All his concerns and interests were associated with the teaching of the religion. Besides this some of the other associates became envious started scheming in the masjid organization regarding his identity and prejudice so Hazrat Maulaana announced to the Friday Salaat congregation he would not be able to further offer his services to the masjid. The people protested a lot but Hazrat would not allow any controversy. After this Hazrat Maulaana did not work on salary anywhere else. For years he lead the Friday Salaat in Jami’ah Masjid Eidghah, Masjid Noor and Jami’ah Masjid Aaram Bagh but did not take any hadiyah (money) at all for his service. In 1972, he began the construction of a masjid in the Soldier Bazaar area, which is now his exemplary and most magnificent tribute. He named this masjid Jami’ah Masjid Gulzaar-e-Habeeb (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) and also setup a religious school by this masjid. Only five to six years had passed since Hazrat Maulaana came to Karachi when a group of those who oppose his beliefs and were angry at his popularity attempted an assassination attack on him during his speech. The next day it was the headline in the Karachi newspapers and throughout the country there were immense regrets for this incident. For two and half to three months, Hazrat Maulaana stayed in the hospital for treatment. After healing he became even more involved in completing his mission with more zeal and zest. Moreover, the first public speech he did after healing was where his assassination had been attempted. Even his opponents acknowledged his excellence, steadfastness, courage and daring. Hazrat Maulaana did not desire for rewards and appreciation and nor did he care for blame or abuse. His only passion was to make every Muslim a devotee of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) and to guide every lost and diverted one to the right track. With the grace of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) he was so excellent and giving speech that those who listened to him wanted to be like him. Hazrat uprooted wrong beliefs in Karachi. His listeners would not even think of being friends or showing any lenience with those who were disrespectful to the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam). The spread of Sunniat in Karachi was due to Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi. In my eyes another orator like him has yet to be born in this country. The amount of prominence Ahle Sunnat received because him or rather I should say Almighty Allaah has bestowed special favors and kept the prestige of Sunniat by sending him here. Along with his speeches he also made a lot of remembrances memorable. He had already published his masterpiece “Zikr-e-Jameel” in Okara. His writing Namaaz-e-Mutarjam had reached the whole world. And he had published Nagma’i-e-Habeeb to increase the love of na’at among the youngsters and the elders. His evidences on several research issues are still popular among scholars and commoners of today. Scholars use to copy down his speeches and by adopting his style of oration hundreds raised themselves to a level of appreciation and identification. In 1965, when the time to defend Pakistan came he became a man of action. He went to the warfront and among the soldiers he made speeches about the importance and greatness of jihad (holy war) and fully supported the affected. He was such a loved orator that people listened and accepted his knowledge and qualities. And among the public his popularity was such that people would take appointments from him months in advance. And there would be several speeches in a day. He was the one who gave revolutionary thoughts and was the most appreciated orator of the era. I have seen spiritual and religion revolution come in not just the outward appearance in so many people but also their character just by listening to the speeches of Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi. Associates and unfamiliar ones accepted this truthful man as “Khateeb-e-‘Azam” the one who raises slogans of the truth. There is no doubt that Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi was unique and unmatched in Maslaak Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at. Many times I have heard the sound of remembrance of Allaah would come from the heart of Hazrat Khateeb-e-‘Azam Maulaana Okarvi and Haaji Haashim Sahaab of Thataa’e Compound and Haaji Muhammad Siddeeq Sahaab of Iqbaal cloth Market are also witness to this. He was a scholar blessed by the Divine and a Friend of Allaah (Walee). His nature was very simple and he had a smiling face. He was the essence of humility and humbleness. People should learn how to respect elders from him and his kindness and compassion for youngsters was also unique. His efforts became valuable for Ahle Sunnat in the Nizaam-e-Mustafaa (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) Movement. In a short time his efforts and the efforts of Jami’aat-e-Ulamah-e-Pakistan provided the provision to promptly appear as a big and successful Jamaa’at. In Kashmir and Baluchistan Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi organized and activated Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at. The services of Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi have given him such status and fame that they had become the title of truth and honesty. His name had such worth that by just taking it and proving an association one become worthy of respect. When Hazrat started a series of teaching in his residence for some times then a large number of scholars and officers gathered. Hazrat also gathered great books in his house and made a personal library. He had great interest in research and reading. This was why his speeches were an ocean of knowledge and understanding. Hazrat Maulaana would not disappoint those who were less educated or completely illiterate. Instead he explained in simple language even most difficult issues in such a way that listeners not only understood but also memorized them. His religious opponent would also come to his gathering and accept that it was very difficult to deny the reasoning of Maulaana Okarvi. Once I was sitting at Hazrat’s residence and Hazrat said, “Shabeer Bhai, ask someone to get roti (flat-bread) from the tandoor (brick-oven).” I said, “I will go myself.” He said, “Bring four extra roti.” I thought, we are only two in the house why is he asking for four extra roti? I didn’t ask, just followed his order. Hazrat spread the dastarkhan (food mat), bought a jug of water and glass and started eating by himself. He had only eaten two bites when suddenly two men came. I understood the meaning of getting extra bread, these men had come without informing earlier and had just arrived. One brother was Abdul Hameed Jataala and the other was Soofee Abdul Rahmaan of Aarif Walaa. How should I describe his miracles? Hazrat’s respected father Hazrat Haaji Karaam Ellaahi Saahab and respected teacher Maulaana Ghulaam ‘Alee Saahab came to Karachi and bought a basket of oranges with them. The next day was Friday. Hazrat’s respected teacher lead the Friday Salaat. After the Salaat nearly fifteen men were sitting in the courtyard of the masjid. Hazrat said, “Bring the basket of oranges.” Hazrat gave some to the manager Ahmad Khan Bhatti who was a student and a great devotee of my Hazrat and then told me, “Distribute these among those who are present here at this moment.” After distributing I sat down and Hazrat said, “Brother Shabeer, are you tired?’” I said, “No.” So he said, “Two people are also sitting outside, give them oranges.” When I went outside to see there really were two men sitting outside. I also gave them some. Then Hazrat said, “Now is the basket empty?” Hazrat smiled and said, “Very good! Now the rest are yours.” I had not asked him after keeping my share. My Hazrat knew my intention. The condition of my heart and the oranges in the basket were also not hidden from him. At that instance two people came and told their dream. Word for word the interpretation had come true. There are many incidents of the miracles of stopping rain during speeches in front of me. Once on our way back to Karachi after coming back from Sharqpur Shareef we went to Pak-patan Shareef. In that year Hazrat Saahab gave his first speech in Punjabi in Sharqpur Shareef meaning there was very little Urdu in it. Otherwise my Hazrat has never done full speech in Punjabi. It was such a speech that the legendary scholars also gave worthy appreciation to Hazrat. After paying homage at the shrine of Hazrat Baba Fareed Shakar Ganj (Allaah be please with him) I don’t know what happened to Hazrat Saahab, he cried a lot. I had never seen him cry so bitterly before. After offering Faatihah and supplication Hazrat came outside and sat near the holy shrine in the courtyard of Masjid Auliyah and said only this much to me, “With the Grace and blessing of Allaah today Baba Saahab have given me special consideration, there have been a lot of graciousness.” But he did not expose anything. I was in a bad state due to hunger therefore I said, “Should there be some arrangement of food?” Then he said, “Shabeer bhai, we are the guests of Hazrat Saahab. We will do as he said.” I had not waited more than five minutes when a person appeared carrying a platter and placed zardah (yellow sweet rice), biryaani (savory rice), curry and flat-bread in front of us and disappeared. My eyes were toward Hazrat. Hazrat also looked at me and said, “See this.” Eating it was very pleasurable, that taste and that blessing, what can be even said about it. A similar incident also took place in Lahore at the shrine of Hazrat Dataa Ganj Baksh (Allaah be pleased with him). We had reached at one o’clock in the night at Daata Darbaar. We sat in the courtyard of the masjid. I said, “Hazrat here in Lahore the milk is very good.” Hazrat said, “You want to drink it?” I said, “Yes!” Then I said let’s go. Hazrat said, “Where?” I said, “Let’s go to the shop of a milk man.” Hazrat said, “Keep sitting.” Briefly Hazrat made a supplication (duaa). Suddenly a man came with two glasses of water which he gave those to us and disappeared. Hazrat said, “Shabeer bhai, you wanted milk, now drink this” I say this on oath; I have never drunk such milk in my life. For years I have lived in Lahore and have drunk milk from several shops but this was a matter of some graciousness. Where would I, this sinful receive such food of paradise? These were the blessings of Hazrat Maulaana and I benefitted from. I will never forget this incident while travelling with Hazrat Khateeb-e-A’zam Maulaana Okarvi Saahab. Hazrat Maulaana went to the abode of his spiritual guide along with us there were four other men. Two of them paid homage at Sharqpur and went to Karachi from Lahore. Whereas Hazrat Maulaana and two of us reached Okara from Sharqpur, from here after meeting their parents and relatives they sat on the train going to Karachi. Someone gave Hazrat the book, “Ghaniyat-ul-Talaabeen,” he got some information from it and the train started moving. Hazrat was busy in reading. The book “Fatawaa-as-Shaam” was in my hands. The train had not gone very far when a loud explosion was heard. Screaming and yelling voices was being raised. We came out of the cabin to discover the train has collided with a cargo train and the cabin had over-turned. It was the miracle and blessing of Hazrat Maulaana that all of us remained save. Immediately Hazrat hired a bus and place the injured in it and took them to Okara. This train accident near the Ghambar station was very severe. I cannot forget the humanity exhibited by Hazrat Sahaab on that occasion. This was not occasional rather it was a matter of his nature, he would always comfort those who redress their grievances and console those who came to him. There are many Masaajid, Madaarsis and organization established from the sponsorship of Hazrat Okarvi. He was the retreat and shelter of thousands. Hazrat Maulaana’s father had told him to leave Karachi and come back to Punjab after Hazrat Maulaana had been attacked twice in Karachi. On one side were the words of his respected father and on the other was the mission of Hazrat Maulaana. I had thought it would be difficult for Maulaana to take a decision but he was an un-subservient rock of determination and stability. He had said to his respected father, “I am not worried about death. If my life is taken in the service of religion then it is not a loss. “ After the vicious attacks Hazrat had acquired a gun and kept it with him. But after some time he stopped keeping revolver with him. I asked him why and he said, “I have been blessed with the vision of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam). He has given his approval and the good news that no one will be able to harm me even slightly.” Hazrat said, “Now I no longer have any difficulty going anywhere alone.” Everyone knew how the brave and daring Hazrat Maulaana possessed. Wherever Hazrat was challenged he definitely would go to that place and enlightened the truth after dispelling the darkness of ignorance and deviations. He stayed steadfast in every ordeal and was successful on every stage. He was accustomed to courage and boldness not diplomacy and negotiation. In assemblies as well, he kept his way of always speaking the truth. He was an untiring warrior and a conqueror. On Fridays, the congregation that gathered to listen to Maulaana Okarvi in his masjid in Karachi was such a memorable scene, one that I have never seen before. In 1974, he complained of heart problems but as soon he came back from the hospital he immediately immersed himself in religious practices and struggled with even more efficiency. Maybe he had realized that he had little time left now. However sick and tired he must have felt, during the delivery of his speeches he never appeared weak. The remembrance of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) was his medicine and was the real provision for his satisfaction. If I could fully write his entire sacred way of life that is preserved in my memory it would become a collective book. My Hazrat was not only my brother; he was also my guide and the center of my devotion. I was surely informal with him but I would always take care to be respectful and cautious. I only cared for Hazrat’s kindness and graciousness. Many other my friends became companions of my Hazrat in Karachi. Ghulaam Haider Sahaab, Muhammad Mubeen Chaaman Sahaab, Qaari Laateef Makki Sahaab, Muhammad Aslam Sahaab, Maulvi ‘Alee Akbar Sahaab, Muhammad Shaf’ee Sahaab and many people of Mianwaali were devotees of Hazrat. Many of his companions always wanted to accompany Hazrat in gatherings, meetings and journeys. I became very busy in providing for my needs and my children. Soon longer periods of time passed between my meetings with Hazrat Qiblaah. Regardless, I always read Juma’ah behind him. There was no pleasure in reading Friday Salaat anywhere else. Hazrat came to my shop once and complained that, “Now why don’t you stay along?” I merely said, “Perhaps other associates consider it their right to stay longer. The amount of pleasure and blessing I have been receiving in your company only I can appreciate its value. “ My last meeting with Hazrat Maulaana Okarvi Sahaab was at Chishtiyah Masjid. Hazrat Sahaab was like the sun in the sky of oration. His popularity and status was more evident than ever on that bright day but he was more trustworthy and elegant. He once again remarked to me, “Shabeer Sahaab, you have reduced your visits.” And after I gave my reasons Hazrat said, “Maybe we will not be able to meet any more, remember in your supplications.” I gave him a supplication of long life but only few days later the news came of Hazrat Maulaana’s departure. Maybe he had known then he was about to leave this world. He had commissioned his own sacred grave where he could sleeping in tranquility. His son fulfilled the right of his hierarchy after him and he is the living miracle of our Hazrat. Now Gulzaar-e-Habeeb is inhabited even though this city has become deserted. The religion of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) prevails and will continue to prevail. The people who will serve it will keep striving. The duration of the world will complete its succession but this land will not get a substitute of Hazrat Maulaana Muhammad Shaf’ee Okarvi (Allaah have mercy on him). It is not the fate of everyone to be a unique orator, a true lover of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam), a selfless warrior and a considerate of religion and the nation. When is it the fate of everyone to be as popular as this? The times that passed were good times. Khuub Buud, Bak khaier Ghuza Shast! Lived well, left with respected
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 17:16:50 +0000

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