The reticence isn’t stopping Raymond Ibrahim, Erick Stakelbeck - TopicsExpress


The reticence isn’t stopping Raymond Ibrahim, Erick Stakelbeck and Lela Gilbert from writing about the persecutions. Ibrahim is an Egyptian-born Christian, now living in the U.S. He works with the David Horowitz Freedom Center, an organization everyone should follow. His new book,“Crucified Again,” is a searing account of how Islamic terrorists brutalize Christians. His description of the dhimmi status of Christians (the concept in Islam calls for conquered peoples – “infidels” – to live under the heel of their Muslim conquerors) is worth the price of the book. As I’ve done with all three of the books I’m describing, my copy is now marked up with yellow highlighter, and I refer to the research time and again. Hear Raymond’s perspective: “It’s time people connect the dots and understand the significance of these unprecedented attacks on Egypt’s Christians. For, if the Islamists who are killing Christians and burning dozens of churches are also the strongest supporters of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood – indeed, they’re attacking Christians on behalf of the Brotherhood – then what does that say about the Brotherhood itself, and its views towards the nation’s Christians? “Today, Islamist hate for Egypt’s Copts is at an all time high – which is certainly saying something – and fueled by any number of Brotherhood leaders and clerics demonizing the Christians and inciting Muslims against them as scapegoats for the ouster of Morsi,” he continues. “The world must understand that these savage attacks on dozens of Egyptian churches bode a genocidal impulse.” Erick Stakelbeck, a dear brother who’s been given a huge platform (CBN’s “Stakelbeck on Terror”) also has a terrific new title dealing with the stealth agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood – “The Brotherhood: America’s Next Great Enemy.” I just finished it and it’s a must-have. His in-depth research, writing and reporting go to the heart of the matter: “Americans who believe that the fast approaching Egyptian civil war will have no effect on the United States are sadly mistaken. If the Muslim Brotherhood and its jihadist allies decide to target the Suez Canal and the abundance of oil that passes through it each day, or use the Sinai Peninsula to instigate some sort of conflict with Israel, oil and gas prices will skyrocket, and every American will feel the effects. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is now revealing its true face – violent, fanatical and totalitarian – and fulfilling the jihadist vision laid out by its founder, Hassan Al-Banna. Very dark days lie ahead for Egypt as a result.”
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 09:36:04 +0000

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