The rivalry between Rongo Member of Parliament Dalmas Anyango - TopicsExpress


The rivalry between Rongo Member of Parliament Dalmas Anyango Otieno and ODM leader Raila Odinga has gone a notch higher after the lawmaker publicly declared he will no longer work with his party leader. This comes just few days after the MP told his constituents that he shall be forming a new political party to gun for presidency come 2017. Dalmas, who in the meantime is working closely with President Uhuru Kenyatta, now says he will henceforth not participate in any of ODM’s activities. An alumni of the prestigious Strathmore School, Dalmas is currently working as the president’s special envoy on South Sudan crisis, a post he got appointed to in February this year. He blames Raila for ODM’s dwindling fortunes courtesy of what he calls “extreme dictatorial tendencies that would make [late Libyan dictator] Gadaffi smile in his grave in admiration” To set the record straight, the former Cabinet Minister now says time will prove he is not alone and that more ODM legislators will be expressing their dissatisfaction with the Orange party leadership under Raila Odinga. “Soon you will be hearing from my other colleagues. There is a general and widespread discontent inside ODM but the party leader doesn’t care to listen to divergent views” Raila’s relationship with one of his most experienced political minds seemed to have hit rock bottom after ODM leader forced Nyanza MPs to forego any senior party position ahead of the now failed ODM national polls. Before being forced to pull out of the race, Dalmas had expressed interest to contest for ODM’s chairmanship.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 09:34:40 +0000

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