The root trouble with South Africa is that South Africa exist in - TopicsExpress


The root trouble with South Africa is that South Africa exist in two halfs either you live in the South Africa with world class health facilities or you live in South Africa with the worst healthcare service either your child can get the best education system in the world or your child could get the worst education system in the world either water.roads and other infrastructural facilities are the best in the world or you live in a muddy ,informal ,crime ridden area ,non basic services part of this land either you can afford to get the best news with world class news agencies like ENCA ,Mail and Gurdian or you are fed the worst news in the world by your daily suns of this world or by the SABC of this world So the corrupt ANC goverment is merely a black African elites fighting to belong to the better side of South Africa The quest to build a 250 million mansion by Jacob Zuma is to buy his way out of the worst side of South Africa that is he wanted to buy his way out of the black conditions Many blacks are similiar in thoughts to Jacob Zuma we constantly want to buy our way out of the black condition we enrol our kids to private education schools,we want private healthcare ,we move into better infrastructure areas in essence we are like mr Jacob Zuma we wanna buy our way out of the black condition ,the worst side of South Africa the fact is blacks would rather buy they way into existing white priveledges than build they own power they own infrastructure ,they own healthcare and education blacks that came into the so called democrasy in 1994 had no dream of building a black power country instead they quickly run to buy white property for twice the price so to escape the worst side of South Africa The facination of white priviledge by blacks has been the sole reason why we priviledge blacks are unable to carry our majority poor black Africans into prosperity ,blame and condem Zuma as you please but until this country builds a black power that will carry the rest of black Africans to prosperity we will continue to have 1000 Jacob Zumas lets engage and debate but ultimately lets get solution ,your opinions are welcomed [a black power Pan Africanist
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 15:44:18 +0000

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