The rule of a thumb on what is the best nation for the Working - TopicsExpress


The rule of a thumb on what is the best nation for the Working Class: 1. The rule of the thumb: The most favored nation by the Poles (Polish people from Poland) who seek employment abroad. 2. The day an immigrant nation has been surpassed by the nation of the origin: More immigrants are going back home than coming in. 3. Issues: Poland is a fully industrialized/developed nation and nearing becoming one of the most industrialized/developed nations. This leads to a lot of going back and fro in between two or more nations. Answers: 1. Germany and Great Britain 2. I refuse to answer Answer 1 revisited. The Poles do favor getting jobs in Germany because it is nearby and since recently the Poles are treated as natives with the respect to jobs. The Poles did try to get jobs in Iberia, but for the major part came back to Poland disappointed. Iberia suffers from the disease that starts to ally USA (and the Texas Tea Party is not helping in spite of some valid arguments, nor are Clowns like Bill Maher. Both Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh should look up to Mr. Mr. Morgan Freeman, atheist/agnostic, and Ben Stein, believes in God): TWO NATIONS within a nation. Each nation tries to ignore the other. The rich Spain tries to ignore the poor Spain, and the same applies to Portugal. This makes implementation of any political or economic decisions near impossible because I do not care about what that rich guy is talking about. He is not one of US. American politicians pampered by the soft public (an average Pole to the Polish Prime Minister: You are not special Mr. Tusk. You are not better than the lady who clean toilet bowls*) and insulating political system (Italian FBI/Karabinery trying to get Mr. Berlusconi arrested 3 times when he was in office vs. US FBI told by the President not to investigate) are spoiled! The US Mass media are constantly confused. They confused Chavez, who was exorcising the Corporate Satan in the name of Holy Jesus and Saint Marx from the United Nations with the militant atheist Castro who unleashed the war criminal Che against the Catholic Priests in South America. Moreover, Venezuela provides free/cheap heating oil to the US armed forces veterans. I want to see Mr. Arizona to pass the legislation that does the same -- donkeys do not fly, tough. The American politicians whenever the McNamara/Kissinger president cannot have it his way (the Earth is not one big azz Burger King,m dudes!) , they throw a feet like a little spoiled brat! And now, after they got the coalition of 10 Latin American countries including Chile, Argentina and Brazil aka America without USA to stop supporting militants in Colombia, they decided that through the fomenting in Venezuela, USA as in MacNamaran/Kissinger President serial number 8, Mr. Obama, and the Military is so stupid CIA will convince them to re--create the better trained and equipped coke trading militants in Colombia. This will be the Obamas and Obamas CIAs final LGEACY. Red China uses this spoiled--brat attitude of the US politicians to her advantage. Just an example how the Chinese argue against USA: Myanmar/Burma, the Red China is not USA! They could not care less about your sovereignty! China respects your sovereignty and right to executed communists in the middle of your capital city every Sunday. You come to us in peace. You want to be Chinas friend! Kiss the Red Emperors ring! Welcome to the family! *--It would be below a Poles intelligence and offensive to the Polish nations intelligence to use such irrelevant statements as My taxes are paying your salary.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 14:46:59 +0000

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