The rumor that a bridge to a temple they were standing on was - TopicsExpress


The rumor that a bridge to a temple they were standing on was collapsing that caused the stampede in Madhya Pradesh killing over a hundred was spread by RAW (see WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAWDOTblogspotDOTcom ) in response to the following comment of mine and in support of the Italian woman so the Italian woman could express “condolences” over the stupid behavior of the inferior Indian niggers. Just as all terrorism in India is instigated by the CIA via proxies in the subcontinent including India’s RAW, all temple stampedes in India are instigated by RAW as a part of psychological warfare against India on behalf of the white countries. I have described RAW arranging for practitioners of an Indian spiritual discipline, whose understanding of gravity and inertia I called superior to that of Albert Einstein, to be physically attacked and driven away in Noida and Madhya Pradesh on the C.I.A.s orders because of my comment. CIA-RAW’s war against India in the field of science is monumental and remains thoroughly covered up by Indian as well as foreign governments and media. All poverty and economic deprivation in India is a consequence of first the British and now the CIA’s war against India. All forms of warfare against India is waged with the help of their Indian proxies. Just as what is said below about the flecks of filth that are Indian politicians or Manmohan Singh or RAW, etc., does not change the basic fact that India is now the sole superpower, even if the stampede was due to the stupidity of Indians -- I have said in my press releases that India’s population is a mountain of S-H-I-T -- it does not change this basic fact, described below, that India is now the sole superpower:- --------Start of comment ------- TO ALL THE STUPID NIGGERS OF THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL: INDIA IS THE SOLE SUPERPOWER All the stupid niggers of the U.N. Security Council (the five permanent members) need to be reminded that India is the sole superpower; after destroying Washington and New York with its nuclear warheads emplaced in U.S. cities, India can compel the United States to use its nuclear-armed ICBMs to destroy, say, Moscow and St. Petersburg, or Beijing and Shanghai or any other country in the world, or lose more of its own cities. What is said below about the flecks of filth that are Indian politicians or Manmohan Singh or RAW, etc. does not change this basic fact. Nothing that your puppy dog/ fleck of filth Manmohan Singh says either to the Negro in the White House or in the General Assembly on nuclear, military or economic issues or anything else matters; only what India’s legitimate ruler says matters. IndiasLegitimateRulerSatishChandraDOTblogspotDOTcom AT THE TIME OF THE 1999 SUPER-CYCLONE IN ODISHA I POINTED OUT THAT THE CYCLONE COINCIDED WITH THE VISIT OF THE EVIL POPE INVITED BY VAJPAYEE AT THE SUGGESTION OF THE CIA WHICH RULES INDIA. TODAY’S CYCLONE -- A CONTINUATION OF THE SAME PROBLEM -- COMES JUST BEFORE THE NUCLEAR DESTRUCTION OF WASHINGTON, NEW YORK & RAW WHICH WILL SOLVE THE PROBLEM. All the evil in India comes from the United States where the equivalent of a Pope was psychologist B. F. Skinner whose school of psychology a paper I published destroyed -- ‘B. F. Skinner’s Monumental Crime’ : BFSkinnersMonumentalCrimeDOTblogspotDOTcom . But he lives on in the form of the CIA which continues to this day to wage war against India and myself with the help of 24-hour satellite surveillance -- see ‘Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.’ : NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUSDOTblogspotDOTcom -- and the CIA is simply the essence of the United States and its population. Satish Chandra --------End of comment -------
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 12:08:59 +0000

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