The rural area was an area that had been abandoned long ago by a - TopicsExpress


The rural area was an area that had been abandoned long ago by a bunch of mundanes (humans) that felt like the small town located a few miles back was utterly useless to them now. The beauty of the silence and the small breeze that rattled the leaves in the tree’s mixed together in simplicated harmony. The ground now covered in long grasses and shrubs and delicate flowers that blossomed under the moonlight. A figure grew closer as it sped through at speeds of one-hundred and thirty miles per hour in the sky. Most humans would see this as a plane but this was no other than the being of the fallen, the leader of the group Nightshade. Ash Natsumi the fallen angeloid, called by the name of “ the beauty of the sky”, but just as deadly as her said beauty. Her clan consist of a small amount of strong fighters that could levi most towns in a matter of thirty or more minutes. A feared clan by the lower clan rankings which were considered of no importance and were usually left alone. She swiftly began to change her angle down, swiftly she began to spiral towards the ground that was over twelve hundred feet ( About 2.2 miles) in the sky. The speed of this spiral downwards made her speed up to a mere one-hundred and eighty miles per hour. Within minutes there was a large bang, a flow of electrical energy pulsating around her as her left knee and right hand hit the floor. Her head slouched down towards the floors being, she sighed softly pushing herself up. The flow of electrical energy pulsated for several seconds before it would all go towards Ash Natsumi and disappear, everything that had been in the pulsating range of the electricity (flowers,shrubs, ferns, etc) was utterly destroyed and scattered about. The female that appeared to be of the age of seventeen slowly raised her head up and looked around. Three scars cascaded around her face. One on the edges of her nose and outer eye sockets, still a bright fleshy red. The second one was on her left cheek smaller than the one near the nose that seemed to be another clear cut on her left cheek, as well a fleshy red but had a fainter quality then her first. Her third and final scar on her face was on the bottom of her chin. It was nothing big but a mere deep scar, it hardly visible. Her eyes a fearciful dark bloody crimson red, pulsating with what looked as a need of bloodshed. Her face in a deep scowl as she looked around, her light-silver moonlight hair gleamed in the moonlight of the night. Her face’s texture a light tan white that seemed to be perfect and smooth. Slowly and softly she raised raised, applying soft pressure down of the soles of.her feet, thus allowing her to raise. A long almost seven foot bladed spear was strapped to her back, which was diagonally strapped on. It was smooth and obviously had a great grip, it was a light metallic grey. The end of the staff , the pointed edge, was an unusual pike edged tip that was almost half a foot long. The tip mode of meteor metal was more durable than most astral , seraph, mundane, or demonic material. The blade edges sharpened and undull, which looked like it could pierce through the thickest of metal. Her clothing was tight against her body showing every muscle and curve that she had on her body. The top black leathered piece of armor exposed the stomach, barely covering her breasts but definitely it did. Her soft and gentle hands were covered in a black grip-helping leather gloves that allowed her to make sure the seven foot spear would be tightly clutched into her hands. Her soft features obvious but did not detail her strong and composed stature, her black leathered armor pants concealed everything down to the tips of her bare ankles that after that had nothing at all. No shoes,sandals, or any other kind of footwear visible on her. Her body was slim and concrete, obviously well kept and built in order to move faster than her own fallen kin. She let out a soft warm breath that trickled against the bottom of her lip and sent a rare shiver of delight through her spine. she spoke to herself softly , her voice as gently as the soft breeze that blew “Hmm, when shall he be here?”, she asked herself softly. She slowly crossed her soft and gentle arms against each other just below her breasts region where her revealed white-tanned scarred skin was seen. The leader of nightshade, waited for the male to come as she let out a soft sigh that passed her soft lips. She looked up at the sky “I declare war on you ”, she said with a loud scream , she said with a fierce yell. Her left hand went behind her and clutched the spear as it vibrated with a flash of light as she took it. She took it from her back as she swiftly twirled the blade swiftly in her left wrist, it barely even a blur. Then suddenly, it stopped as has she placed her hands down. The spear hit the floor and scraped against the ground’s soil, she waited. “Dum spiramus tuebimur”, she said softly speaking latin, This translated into “While we breath, we defend.”. The spear’s name that ash had given it was Finis, which in latin means “The end”, but most people gave it the name of Fiat justitia ( et ruat caelum ), Which translated from latin as “Let justice be done ( through the heavens fall) “. The humor of that name had arisen being she was an angel one who passes judgment that had fallen from heaven.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 03:49:05 +0000

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