The sad reality is that Fundamentalism in Christianity is so - TopicsExpress


The sad reality is that Fundamentalism in Christianity is so AGAINST GOD...against the very nature of the creation....I try so hard to be tolerant it is so hard...but to indoctrinate hate into children through fundamentalism that was brought about by humans gone chaotic by their own desire to be in control of the masses is ....well....becoming intolerable to me...I must pray...I do not understand this mans claim other than just plain unfounded... In over 1500 species of this planet Gay, Lesbian, Bi, tendencies have been recorded....Species of this planet that were created by the God People...So if you think of it this way...Nature is the REAL scripture of God...the Real Glyphs of God... not some hand written text by humans that put their own greedy slant upon it...for a hold over the masses for what...for control of the CHURCH...It is just amazing to me how many people atomatonically walk around as robots not feeling the REAL Spirit of the God People in the Creation in front of them...but instead want to stamp it out through fundamental hate...makes me sad...I would rather have my child learn tolerance and acceptance of all life be it Gay, STraight, Lesbian or BI...or Transgendered.. I would rather...than to teach, indoctrinate hate to them...because last I checked.. That Jesus dude, according to the Christian Scripture..doesnt roll that way...arent the ones professing him supposed to be doing his work>> which is LOVE...and isnt there another scripture that says something to the effect of .. Do not point out the speck in your brothers eye, without noticing the plank in your own...Or Cast the first Stone...and Jesus didnt even do such.. so please. if you are going to go around professing Jesus and all his glory, but then out the otherside of your mouth profess hate and judging...quiet yourself and think about what you are saying...doing....Remember...also in the Bible are references concerning selling your children, or daughters. etc... so you better be prepared to do that too if you are going to attempt to control the masses with your fundamentalism...but guess what.. that is illegal isnt it and goes against the very nature of God...namaste...
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 12:39:37 +0000

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