The saddest thing you can say to anyone is “goodbye,” but - TopicsExpress


The saddest thing you can say to anyone is “goodbye,” but sometimes in life, it is the only thing.Lately our differences have become more of an issue and I guess our directions in life have changed so dramatically that to continue as friends would only become more hurt full to us both. I know you no longer wish to understand the person I am inside. I sensed it by your silence.. You have chosen your own path in life and I see now, Our own paths no longer travel in the same direction so our parting as friends has all but been decided.I want to thank you, , for the times we spent together, the great talks, and those moments that only friends can know. I also want to thank you for the memories I will carry with me of all the happier times we shared as friends. I rarely remember anything less. You helped me grow as a person and enjoy the gift that is friendship, even if only for this short time. I know people come into your life for a reason and not all remain, but in some ways, you will.I guess weve actually been saying goodbye to each other for some time now, but have both been reluctant to actually say the words. So now the words have been said and the time has come to put our friendship to rest. It is far better to part as friends and go on with life, than to continue on as we are, leading only to bitterness and hurt.Take care, be well, and know life will always find a way to help you through the saddest of times., will I ever forget you. Good Luck and God Bless. I will miss you
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 07:09:12 +0000

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