The saviour EPISODE 5 In little time, Silbius returned with - TopicsExpress


The saviour EPISODE 5 In little time, Silbius returned with three white royal horses and a cart drawn by four horses with its driver. Almost immediately, Narzil and Waguul returned too, telling Achaius that they have completed their mission. Sir, the horses and the cart art ready. Go ye with these men into the city for our people awaiteth thee. Ok, but make sure that you help this girl to Thaddaeus place, I said pointing to Ninian. Achaius agreed and I promptly jumped in the cart. I really needed to rest my legs, which were aching from the excessive walking and standing I had been subjected to. There were two persons in the cart already. The driver, a tall, middle aged man with large bulging eyes and a very thin mouth & a young man with nice features. Silbius, Narzil and Waguul mounted the horses, while Achaius opened the huge gate and we rode into the great city of Camvillé. As soon as we entered the city, shouts, cries and chants filled the air. The wide colonnaded street was filled to the brim with a great number of people who were lined up on each sides of the road shouting words I couldnt understand. ... These people get problem sef. Cant they just stick to one language?... I leaned over to Micus, the young man in front of me and asked; What is that language they are speaking? Latin sir. The Romans art our overlords, Micus replied, with the corners of his mouth curling into a soft smile. What are they saying? I asked, when the shouts and chants grew louder as we rode deeper into the city. It seemed every single person in this city was out here in the street shouting. They are saying Great is Athanasius, the saviour of Casvillé, Micus answered, with the smile still on his face. Maybe, he felt honoured sitting so close to the great Athanasius. I sank back into my seat with my mind in a turmoil. I pulled at my hairless chin reflectively, trying to solve the puzzles in my mind. Am I really the saviour these people have been expecting? What am I supposed to save them from? The most disturbing thing for me was the mention of my long dead twin brother Stan by Silbius, one of the city guards. How did Stan get there? Why did he come here in the first place? I decided to find out more about Stan from Micus and I hope to God hes not like Elvira who has brine for brains. Micus, do you know my twin brother? I asked, shouting on the top of my voice to be heard. Those crazy people havent stopped shouting. Not very well sir. He leftst our land long ago, Micus shouted back. Do you still remember how he looked like? Yes. Thou lookest about the same like he, except for your hair, he replied. I understood what he was trying to say. He meant I had dreads (Is there another English word for dada?) and Aloysius didnt. He had probably been shaved off before he was buried. Before I could ask Micus another question, the cart suddenly lurched forward and came to an abrupt stop. Aemilianus, the cart driver, alighted and announced to me that we were at the kings palace. The palace was very large and splendid, with beautiful carvings and ornaments adorning it. As soon I entered the palace in the company of Micus and Aemilianus; the king, his queen, the princes, the princesses and all the noblemen came forward to receive us, no me. O Athanasius, the king cried thou hath kept us wanting thee for so long. I mumbled incoherently because I couldnt think of the appropriate thing to say. For seventeen years, we hath prayed to the gods to send thee hither to us. Now that thou hath arrived, we art happy for the lord hath shewn us mercy, the king added. ... Seventeen years? Why? Thats age. Ha! This is an addition to my bag of worries o... Come ye with us to the dining hall, for we hath prepared a feast in thy honour, the queen said to me. I agreed and followed them into the dining hall, where the food and drinks were served. I only nibbled at their food because it didnt taste nice and the wine, well Im not much of a drinker so I only drank about 8 or so cup of the stuff. I was about to order the 9th cup when an idea struck my mind. Yes, if I go to sleep now maybe Ill wake up to reality, so I promptly informed the King that I needed to rest after my very long journey. The king nodded and clapped his hands. Two curvy, half dressed wenches catwalked into the hall. These art thy birthday gifts. Do with them as thou please, the King said, grinning toothily. ... Hmmm birthday gifts indeed. Ha! No sleep for me again, I gotta get busy. Wait o, hw did this man, who doesnt know me from Adam, know my birthday sef? Wahala dey o... Watch out for episode 6
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 04:53:30 +0000

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