The scheduling is rediculous. If you are a private breeder and - TopicsExpress


The scheduling is rediculous. If you are a private breeder and grow outdoors under a star, how the hell can you get to the event? You cant, plus the results tell you nothing about what I want to know,:namely, what great new strains are we going to have at harvest, What genes are going to suprise us, what stranger recessives will pop up? This whole thing is set up for commercial and big indoor growers. And a lot of people have a lot of things to say about the relative merits of growing under lightbulbs and under a star. One of them was G, I, Gurdjieff, who claimed that cannibis is one of the few plants that is able to crystalize the vibrations of a higher cosmos, that is a cosmose with less restrictions on the expressions of the ray of creation (that steps down through the various cosmoses from the sun absolute,) I know the vanacular is archaic, but the dude was right about almost every prediction he made for the twentieth and present century. Especially regarding the present world climate contidion and the role of man in the environment. He had a few things to say about cannabis, and one of them was this ability to set into our lower cosmos (not the lowest but not great) in a physical form, some of the qualities of the next higher cosmos by crystalizing certain qualities of our star. Which has its primary existence in the next higher cosmos. I dont know about you, but I have always noticed a high end in the high from plants grown under lights to be missing. I have some experience in getting high since 66, and I would walk past any indoor super hybrid rerecrossed champion bag appeal marketing bullshit for a joint of the real Punta Rosa circa 1972. If you ever hold one of these events like in the time after the harvest is in and the trimming and most curring all done -- I will be there to demonstrate the distinction between a star and a light bulb, to those able to discern the high as oppossed to the stone. I know they think that matching wavelengths and such can mimic a star, but do they know that a star is putting out more than they even have the capacity to ask the proper questions to find out about? Probably not. Some time around Madi Gras is the time to have a pot festival. Think about it.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 06:19:44 +0000

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