The scientific discripancies of the official report of the 9/11, - TopicsExpress


The scientific discripancies of the official report of the 9/11, the timing and date, the launching of the new world order, the lack of military response to the high-jackings, the collapse of the WTC-7 building without being hit by any of the planes, and the reporting of its collapse 20 minutes before it happened by the BBC journalist, the absence of the names of the high-jackers on the passenger flight list, the confiscation of survelance cameras on high buildings around the Pentagon by FBI agents, the impossible manouvering of the Boeing 747 jet that hit the Pentagon, the plenty unanswered questions, the US support being provided to Al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria a decade after 9/11, and plenty other issues make it difficult to rule out the INSIDE JOB theory.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 15:07:40 +0000

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