The search for the 5thElement in Reaching the Sixth... The - TopicsExpress


The search for the 5thElement in Reaching the Sixth... The 5thElement is Love, Trust, Believe, Obey...its our emotion. Its our guide. The 5thElement gives us hope, a clear vision and happiness...its the strength, skill and knowledge that we posses inherently. The 5thElement is Light! Its shows us the way, the clear path...and we also see the meandering off-roads and ignore them so, for the path lies clearly ahead. Any obstacle or challenge is cleared with a single wave of your hand. Like Magick, you never lose that way... ThOod World has you...and it has for many years suppressed you; without you even knowing it! At best your full human potential is but a mere 1% and believe me, thats a genius I am talking about:/ of ThOod World...the world of money and power hunger and the evanescence of humanity at large. The seven sins are very much around...these are the controlling factors that take over you in ThOod World! Watch how they all love money and not just enough but more and more and more...for what purpose...for more of that stuff! Its not their fault that they are rich. The use the law of attraction to attract more of this stuff called money! And you are poor because all you do is complain everyday about NOT having enough money...and thats EXACTLY what money does to you. Stand so far away from you and dance for you and titillate all your senses...including your 5thSense...the breeder of the 5thElement! Its your fault when you have too much as much as its your own fault if you dont have that which you desire cuz youre focusing too much on the not to have till you have the not! See my point? Afrinix is an infinitely, intelligent, imaginative, innovative, interesting, inventive, insightful, idea. A seed of total change. For betterment for all! No matter who you are. A path is laid out to you as clear as day. And it starts with just a simple CrowdSourcing. Find someone who is enlisting participants and go for it. Score a FreeBee card if youre lucky. With it, you can become a NewBee at any DiscoverLab in Africa. Or just create one of your own! There are limited certificates for DiscoverLabs; so if you get one...better for you!:) FreeBees get a free Kangoo BounceTest which can be 1 minute up to an hour! And NewBees get to join the amazing Kangoo Klasses at their chosen DiscoverLab or any other they spot around the continent! The charges are the same and youre treated like family whichever DiscoverLab you visit. If you feel ready to discover more...then get yourself a DiscovererCard. With it, you can top up your personal profile with upgrades, job opportunities, profits and just a good all round discoverers amazing new experience in life itself. Discoverers get to try and use and train and share in the overall business of the DiscoverLab! You become part of the DiscoverLab and it becomes a part of you. Depending on your level of participation, you can find yourself eventually transforming into a true AfrinixCitizen and you can live and work in amazing CircularCities around Africa! A life of abundance for life!:) At the moment Afrinix is just a little baby Phoenix, raising slowly and getting a grip of its wings. What a sight it will be if it rises once again. A glory for all. Once and for all! Like an alchemist...youll find yourself going back to the beginning to find the treasure you have lost. The days of happiness and joy and a carefree and openly loving heart. Of innocence and beauty and of seeking pleasures (silent or chaotic) that lie within. Its you who still wants to feel healthy and its you that want to live a life of happiness and let that transcend even after you have carry you forward to an even happier ever after...what a gift that is. Afrinix is not a cult nor a religion. Those belong to ThOod World. Afrinix is a whole new world out there, thats in this one actually. Its the other you. The happy you. The free you. The loving you. The kind you. The great you!:)
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 09:56:19 +0000

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