The second Pentecost, The out pouring of Father’s Spirit in - TopicsExpress


The second Pentecost, The out pouring of Father’s Spirit in the last days. This is not new to my heart, to some of my friends I have shared similar feelings before, but the last few days seemed to emphasize them................Father’s LOVE is where our unity and our boldness come from, and as I have stated before HIS GRACE is belonging to HIM. I heard it said in a sermon on Friday night, when a father picks up his new born child, what he sees is a PERFECT BABY, a perfect child, and the reason he sees perfection is because that child is HIS...........This is Father’s grace as we are His children warts and all. And as his children are to grow into His image, His character, which is one word the Bible calls LOVE. Joh 13:34 I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. As I have loved you, you should also love one another. Joh 13:35 By this all shall know that you are My disciples, if you have love toward one another. I have just returned home after 4 days at a church camp, Im not going to name the denomination but many of you may guess it, the reason for that is I am not into denominational splits and differences as those who know their God will stand out when the time comes. But I had the most amazing few days, Father was truly there, I have come back home elated and yet feel emotionally drained, the theme I saw was FAMILY, God our Fathers Family, and how much He loves His children. During many of the sessions I was in tears, and many around me were also, and I couldn’t explain why, one time the session hadn’t even started, and the feeling of Love began to well up in me. The camp was held by a Sabbath keeping group and at Saturdays meeting the Sabbath meeting, Fathers Spirit as truly there, little was said about unity (FAMILY OF THE FATHER) but the love and unity was felt in a very big way, even though some of the people there were not Sabbath keepers, but the auditorium was packed......... I firmly believe we have entered the new Pentecost the last days Pentecost, when Fathers Spirit has and is coming upon His people and filling them with the boldness to witness His word to a lost world. Today it isnt flames of fire on our heads; today it is the flame of LOVE that will burn in our hearts. So many churches are waiting for a revival when their buildings will fill up and alter calls will be huge, but that wasnt the case with the first Pentecost and will not be with this one. At the first Pentecost the men and women who were filled with the Holy Spirit went out into the streets and the homes and spread the word and MANY were saved, the were given the boldness to speak out and proclaim the gospel at a time when that could be their death sentence, and their greatest opposition was the church of the day. Today we are almost seeing the same thing again; the true believers greatest opposition is and will be “the church. It will be fathers LOVE that will set His people afire this time, and it will be HIS LOVE for man that will send us out against the odds to spread His word. We are family we may have different views of some points and doctrines, but we all know we were bought back to Fathers house through the Blood of Yahushua, and that is where we are. We are told to stand against the enemy who is Satan not against each other, to put on our amour and stand, for we stand against powers and principalities of darkness, it is in unity that we stand and remain. We are all Fathers children and that is how we stand, under His shield, under His name, and under His love. Joh 13:35 By this all shall know that you are My disciples, if you have love toward one another. A once famous Bishop once said, “The family that prayers together, stay together”. It is in our unity that we inherit Fathers Character, His Love. And it is that love that will reveal our God and savior to man.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 23:58:49 +0000

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