The second son comes of age Shahbaz Sharif, the talented - TopicsExpress


The second son comes of age Shahbaz Sharif, the talented ‘second son’ of Late Mian Sharif has his own rules of the game, views and perception about politics. You can’t name any single person as his mentor. Like a ‘Honey Bee’ he collects nectar from the whole nursery. Once he was inspired by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and he still copy him in his speeches but just throwing microphones and yelling he can’t be a Bhutto. He should be admired as he did not feel shy or apologetic while admitting his love with ZAB. Once Imran Khan was also his source of inspiration but Khan in opposition of Sharifs , opted the other side of the ring. A senior bureaucrat of his team has the right psychological analysis of his Boss, according to that, ‘Being the second son he is the victim of ‘Middle Child Syndrome”. In this syndrome the attention goes to the first and last child and those who falls in middle feel ignored, loved less, develop with low self esteem, lack sense of direction and may exhibit certain signs and behaviors that others do not. Unfortunately these symptoms are not limited to childhood and linger in a person throughout his life. He was favorite child of his father. He was always assigned important jobs by his father such as procurement negotiations. His father knew Shahbaz’s talent and administrative qualities and it was the reason he sent Elder Brother into politics. Shahbaz Sharif could be a good administrative but not a successful politician like elder brother Nawaz Sharif. Strict administration and politics are step-sisters and they never be friends. In politics you have to compromise and mostly on principles but Shahbaz is not of that kind. ‘Being the second son he wanted to deliver something, some miracle which could leave name in the history. To match with elder brother’s mega project, Motorway, he has a star of Metro Bus on his shoulders. Laptop scheme and students’ internship are also his inventions. He is the man of deadlines and most of his mega project completed in record time. He always wanted to be number 1 but unfortunately Elder Brother has occupied both Number One positions, in the family by virtue and in Politics through leadership qualities. But Shahbaz never gave up and continuously struggling to be noticed and he is more than successful on this account. His second son Salman is also his favorite and playing the role which he played in his family, running the business empire. He was much concerned about his second son Salman Shabaz than Hamza Shabaz. Hamza is a known figure but Salman is ignored as he himself was. Now he is pitching Salman in politics which is a good omen. The positive side of this syndrome is that the object put his whole energy to be noticed and want to do miracles so he should be discussed every where. Shabaz opted for the positive side. Differing with his critics he is an achiever and survivor in all weather and wants to be known as a savior. He always wanted to deliver some miracle which could leave name in the history. His closed buddies were of the view if he and Imran Khan joined hands they can put the country on the right path and change the life of the common people. But in Pakistan people are not that much lucky. Only he has the courage to differ with Elder Brother which none else has and he has developed a unit of his comrades in the Party. If we go to the past, he was against appointing Saifur Rehman , confrontation with judiciary and Khakis, nomination of the Rafiq Tarar as President ( his concern was as Tarar was the key player in ousting the then Chief Justice Sajjad Ali Shah), Freezing of Forex accounts, relations with MQM and many more. In very recent past he was the strong opposition for sharing Punjab with PPP and joining Federal Cabinet with Yousuf Raza Gillani. In this tenure he was not in favor of Ayaz Sadiq’s choice as Speaker. He tried to make a move in the parliamentary party through his buddies Ch Nisar and Ahsan Iqbal but Elder Bro vetoed this move. His team mate were deprived of Petroleum and Information Ministry as Ch Nisar know Interior ministry is a while petroleum ministry was a Pleasure while as Home Ministry is a great responsibility Ahsan face the same music. Even he is not independent in choosing his team at Punjab. He wants some one of his choice as Governor from Sirakei Belt but elder Bro has his own choice. Both have difference of opinion over the presidential candidate. He had suggested to give representation to maximum Divisions of Punjab in federal cabinet and less from Lahore, moreover, avoid to bradri dominated cabinet. But despite his reservations Lahore and Gujranwla divisions have maximum share in the cabinet. His objection was genuine as Lahore the Prime Minister, Chief Minister and Speaker National Assembly and obliging more from Lahore might create bitterness among rest of the Punjab. Similarly eight Kashmiris in the federal cabinet also irritate him. He was never in favor of inducting Musharaf’s buddies like Hamid Nawaz, Sikandar Bosan and others in the cabinet but the decision power is with Big Bro. He also opposed to take the elected MNAs and MPAs who won their seats by violating party discipline and defeated PML N’s ticket holders. Interestingly both Bros rely on one of their closet aide (once Bhutto’s jiala ) . He is not double face but a bridge between the both Sharifs and avoid many accidents to happen. The stalwarts in the party are jealous with him and avoid sharing views before him. Now he is also a member of Federal Cabinet. Having my long association with PML N since 1985, I enjoy the trust of the most of the Leaguers and they share a lot of inside information. While writing this column some of Shahbaz’s aides requested me to mention the mandate PML N had during 2013 was due to good governance of Shabaz Sharif during last five years as Big Bro was not in power to cash any thing except the nuclear tests and motor way. They were not ready to accept the mandate was maneuvered but I think Shabaz knows it. Nawaz Sharif had announced publically, Shahabz Sharif would not be the next chief minister and will hold the target to end load shedding in federal cabinet. But he managed through his ‘connections’ in the ‘quarters that matters’. For this they cut Ch Nisar into size and PML N’s defeat in Rawalpindi where it loose four national and several Punjab assembly seats. After that there was no justification for Ch Nisar to claim for Punjab Chief Minister. Ch was the most disgruntled person after election 2013. He loses his say in the party which he enjoyed during last five years. Elder Sharif was also annoyed over Nisar”s choice of candidates and election results from Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Shabaz is idea conscious and think his words are the judgment and no one can differ with it. He is the mirror image of Benjamin Disraeli words ‘his idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with him. He is also an inventor and introduced various new concepts in today’s politics. Despite being a politician he distrusts politicians and banks on bureaucracy and Army. During his 1997 tenure he had appointed the first serving Brigadier to be Secretary of a Civil Department. That is why Khakis has soft corner for him. His colleagues still say that Shahbaz knows that the real power lies in the Khakis and it was further confirmed when Musraf threw them away. His vision is much stronger than elder Bro that is why he refused to board on the plane carrying them to the Royal palaces to Jeddha. But he had no option when his family called it betrayal. As compared to Elder Brother he has a very strict approach and follows merit. He is totally against sifarish but when Elder Brother recommends anyone, he has no option left. He could not resist when Elder Brother ordered to construct a shop at the footpath of a vendor, Baba Chiragh who served Mian Nawaz Sharif nan channa while at school time. Such irregularities disturbed him and Laborites can visit this place at Msjide Shudaha. He works like a machine and expects the same from his team. His closet media advisor (now his speech writer) who have served with Ch Pervez Elahi also, disclosed that his Boss never sleep as often he received his call at 3 am in the morning. Like all politicians he is a Publicity monger and has a battalion of his public relation managers. He is an admirer of Ed Howe who had said that ‘Doing business without publicity is like winking at a girl in the dark. Only you know what you were doing but nobody else does.’ Like Elder Brother he dislikes being flattered. The word ‘khadime Ahla” was created in this connection. Unfortunately he did not bare criticism and take it as abuse. Shahbaz is a very sensitive kid. Perhaps only a few people know that he lives in isolation and sleeplessness. Despite being always at the center of a crowd he feels lonely. He seems to be a narcissist and he is his own best friend but wanted to be known as a protagonist. However unlike a Cock he does not believe the sun has risen to hear him crow. He has marriage thrice some cynics say more than that. Unfortunately, like all legends, his all marriages were not success stories. He often quote a short story to his closest friends about understanding a woman, following which; The Almighty was visiting the world when he saw a man lying on the California’s long beech alone, he came down and asked O Man , I am your creator the God, put some wish to me. The man said ‘ O God I want a bridge between Hawai and California Beech so I can drove my car there. The Almighty assigned his economic affairs angels to calculate the budget and risks. After thirty minuets they came with a report that on accomplishing a single man’s wish trillion and trillions of dollars would cost and the seal life and sea traffic would also be in danger. Plus in case of storm the traffic on the bridge would also not safe. The people would object that the Almighty has put so many risks by accomplishing one man’s wish while there were other ways and means to reach Hawae. The Almighty put all the risk before his creation and suggested him to put some other wish. The Man came on his knees and prayed ‘ O God, I have marriage thrice but all ended with a failure , as I can not understand a woman, so please give me some wisdom so I can understand a woman and my next life partner could go longer with a happy life. The Almighty thinks for a second and asked O man you need bridge two lanes or three lanes. His justification was if the Almighty can not understand a woman than how can he does, but he did not lost hope and always looking for a suitable and the best one for him. Internationally or unintentionally he developed relations with those who has some sort of differences or has their on say on certain issue with the Elder Brother. For instance Ch Nisar. Similarly he was ever ease with those who are closed with Elder Bro, one of them is Senator Ishaq Dar.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 22:18:43 +0000

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