The secret base Pine Gap is a seismic weapon in the center of - TopicsExpress


The secret base Pine Gap is a seismic weapon in the center of Australia PineGap_sign The USA have both the climate weapon ( HAARP ) as well as the seismic weapon. In the center of Australia, the U.S. base at Pine Gap, an antenna sinks to 8 km depth in the crust . It would emit low-frequency waves that can be directed to areas of instability causing earthquakes. It can also be used to generate a huge standing wave around the Earth . Officially, the base is one of the most important centers of control spy satellites and the antenna is used to recharge the batteries of submarines through ELF emissions . Pine Gap is located about twenty kilometers south - west of Alice Springs. According to the testimonies of the people , an incredible amount of material has been flown in from the United States . Local also reported that a huge amount of food stored in warehouses of what could well be a genuine multi-level underground city Pine Gap is a place that fascinates me at the highest point , for different reasons. - Of course , the first is the rumor like what Pine Gap would possess a Jump Room to Mars ... - Another reason is that for a U.S. base in the middle of nowhere, it has no airstrip and the nearest Alice Springs Airport 16 KM crow flies and not really easy to s travel there by road. Makes you wonder how they routed all without aircraft. This also implies , and this also seems important to me that when officials, senior officers or officials of the state will make a visit , they are forced to enter the road ... ! - It seems to have its own power generator (in my opinion the gray building at the bottom left in the photo) , no line HT near any source of energy used ? - The kind of T that forms the base hair cell axes oriented NS / EW . It seems that this is really wanted , but why? This is not the case for example for 51 Area . What exactly is Pine Gap? pine_g10 As strange as it may seem, even Australian Federal Parliament members do not know . Only a few insider among the members of the Cabinet have a vague idea of what it is exactly . The only publicly available information obtained from cross made by private researchers such as Jimmy Guieu , following instructions found in U.S. or Australian magazines ( always short paragraphs ) and recovering various testimonies premises. Under Pine Gap is the deepest hole ever dug in Australia over 8 km ( or 25 times the Eiffel Tower, 1.6 times the Mont Blanc) ! Such a hole is generally used as an underground antenna to recharge the batteries of submarines in the Pacific and Indian Ocean through ELF broadcasts . Such a gigantic antenna can be used to generate a huge standing wave around the Earth . Some believe that Pine Gap has an enormous nuclear generator supplying energy to a new type of transmitter. pinegap It also seems that a plasma accelerator particularly powerful high voltage can be set to transmit electric current, or even produce a death ray , or simply to feed a plasma gun . All this is not so incredible as it sounds : it is now known that the U.S. base of West Cape has a type of transmitter previously used at Pine Gap which is used to send electric current to American submarines immersed dragging behind a wire antenna . Electric currents thus transmitted are called cells plas - dynamics. Local residents were in various occasions the opportunity to see white discs of about 30 m in diameter being unloaded huge cargo planes at the airports serving Pine Gap. These disks had the USAF emblem It seems they were assembled and based at Pine Gap. The number of disks seen at night leaves no doubt in everyones mind . An incredible amount of material was flown in from the United States . Local also reported that a huge amount of food stored in warehouses of what could well be a genuine underground city of several levels. Pine Gap is also well known for being one of the most important centers of control spy satellites circling the globe . An article published in late 1973 indicates that the installation of Pine Gap, with its sister facility in Guam , was used to control the photographic missions of the large American satellites in orbit around the Earth . Pine Gap has enormous computers connected to their American and Australian counterparts, collecting all information related to the security of these countries , not only about finance and technology, but also on any aspect of the citizens life lambda . These computers are connected to central servers located in Guam, in Krugersdorp , South Africa and the U.S. Amundsen -Scott South Pole base. sept1st_anzus_meeting_1952 all began with the construction of the new Parliament House in Canberra , which cost billions of dollars. Australia has only 18 million people, (...) This new building , enormous, immense and magnificent easily meet the needs of the USSR or the United States, which has them hundreds of millions of people to lead . This construction completely intrigued me , and I began to speak until the day I fell on an English teaching me that the Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawk, was a student of Rhodes, and as such worked on the development of a world government , what the new parliament building seemed strongly relate . I can fell after a pamphlet published by the Organization for Human Rights about a group of a hundred people relatively well in the circles of high finance, politics, and and judicial branches of international trade . This group was called the Club of Rome. According to the pamphlet , the Club of Rome obeyed a consortium controlling the entire international finance. Number similar to that of the Club of Rome are also groups the orders of the syndicate, and infiltrate various political and religious groups in the intention to establish a global dictatorship term . The whole thing seemed a bit too irrational to be true, it seemed to me . However, a friend of mine gave me an audio recorded by Peter Sawyer , a former Australian high-ranking official cassette , exposing a number of events that occurred while it was in place. He spoke in particular of a telephone exchange in Canberra called the Deacon Centre . This central , built with walls of a thickness of 12 m , cost hundreds of millions of dollars. It is equipped with many computers , divided into several levels. He discovered when he tried to find out why such equipment was needed in a country of 18 million inhabitants , these computers were connected to all banks, all post offices, all phones, all police stations and all the houses of individuals , each port of arrival or departure of an aircraft or ship, and also and above all , to the other data centers collecting data on how citizens residing in the United ... States and Europe
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 19:08:44 +0000

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