The secret language The initiates of the secret society network - TopicsExpress


The secret language The initiates of the secret society network have always had a code of communication through certain phrases, words, funny handshakes and symbols. There are also a series of Brotherhood ‘signatures’ which form their secret language and these are all around us every day. They are obsessed with their rituals and symbols because of their reptilian brain and I cannot overstress this point. It is a means through which they can be tracked and read. Their most used symbols are the lighted torch, the symbol of knowledge and the Sun. When an initiate reaches a certain level in the pyramid they are said to be ‘illuminated’, more symbolism of the lighted torch. One of the recurring stories in the ancient world is of a hero figure who takes fire (knowledge) from the ‘gods’ and gives it to the people - the chosen few people, that is. The Watchers called Azazel and Shemyaza were among those who gave advanced knowledge to humans, according to the Book of Enoch. The most famous symbol of these Watchers is the Greek god, Prometheus, who was said to have emerged from the Caucasus Mountains. In many ways he was another Jesus’ figure who died for the people and it is not inconceivable that the story of Jesus was inspired, in part, by the legend of Prometheus. At the Rockefeller Center in New York today is a gold statue of Prometheus (gold, the solar metal of the gods) and he is holding the light, the fire, in line with the legend (see picture section). To the Rockefellers this is not just a statue, it is a symbol of the whole scam they are involved in. The Statue of Liberty is another Brotherhood symbol highlighting the lighted torch. The Statue of Liberty is actually the Statue of Liberties - the liberties perpetrated on the American people by the brotherhood. There she stands on her island in New York Harbour holding her torch of ‘freedom’ and Americans believe she is the symbol of their liberty in the Land of the Free. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Statue of Liberty was given to New York by French Freemasons and her mirror image stands on an island in the River Seine in Paris (see picture section for this and other symbols in this chapter). These statues of liberty are representations of Queen Semiramis and Isis et al, with the rays of the Sun around her head. The ancients symbolised the Sun in this way. And they are not holding the torch of liberty, but the torch of the illuminated ones, the reptilian-Aryan Elite. The Statue of Liberty is a Brotherhood symbol which says: “We control this country and we are telling you so, but you are too stupid to see it!” The torch is the most obvious Brotherhood signature. When the Brotherhood assassinated President Kennedy in 1963, they put a lighted torch, the eternal flame which has burned to this day, on his grave in the Arlington Cemetery After the murder in Dallas the Freemasons erected an obelisk in Dealey Plaza a few yards from the spot where Kennedy was shot. At the top they placed a depiction of the lighted torch. When Diana, Princess of Wales, was murdered in the Pont de L’Alma Tunnel in Paris, the ‘shrine’ to her, where people left flowers, was a large gold symbol of the very ‘eternal’ flame held by the two Statues of Liberty, which just happened to be on top of the tunnel where her car crashed into the 13th pillar. Just a coincidence! On the island where she is said to be buried, they have placed yet another depiction of a lighted torch. The Brotherhood are telling us that they killed Kennedy and Diana, but unless you understand their symbolic language, you don’t know. The lighted torch in the Olympic Games has the same meaning. I have to laugh when I see the different cities holding their breath to see which of them has been selected to hold the next Olympics. It was all decided years before, in line with what is most appropriate to the Brotherhood Agenda and its symbolism. You would have thought that the centenary Olympic Games would have been held in its original home of Greece, but instead it was given to Atlanta. Why the hell Atlanta, especially when the United States had only recently hosted the games in Los Angeles? One reason for this decision by the symbol-obsessed Brotherhood was the symbolism of the legendary, Atlanta, the goddess and huntress, who was said to be such a great athlete that no man could beat her. Everyone she defeated in a race had to suffer death and many were killed before one managed to trick her into losing a race by dropping golden apples to divert her attention. It was said that she and her bridegroom were turned into lions and pulled the chariot of the Great Mother of the Gods.1 The Olympic Games in Atlanta also allowed multimillions to be spent on roads and infrastructure in a city rejported to be a major centre for the New World Order after the Millennium.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 09:33:54 +0000

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