The secretarys comments on the planning application at Bage Court, - TopicsExpress


The secretarys comments on the planning application at Bage Court, Dorstone, acting as an individual. Please feel free to use any content. : Dear Dorstone Parish councillors, I would like to express my complete opposition to the proposal for two industrial broiler sheds at The Bage, Dorstone. I will divide my concerns up into three sub-headings 1 - Environmental Phosphate over-load to the River Dore As has been shown from other problem sites of a similar nature, there is likely to be a significant risk of nutrient over-load to the farms in the vicinity of The Bage, as the unit struggles to get rid of the vast tonnages of chicken excrement in forthcoming years. All this farmland is drained, with drains flowing beneath the soil surface into the (very small) upper reaches of the River Dore. The Golden Valley is known for comparatively high rainfall, and so leaching of high concentrations of phosphates and other nutrients into the nearby watercourse from this very toxic material is inevitable. Last year there was, for the first time I have ever known a significant and unnatural algal bloom which was noticed on the River Wye. (I was a River Wye water bailiff for 20 years for the National Rivers Authority and I have never seen this before) It is highly likely that this was caused as a result of the burgeoning quantites of chicken excrement as these intensive units continue to increase throughout the River Wye catchment. The leaching of phosphates and other nutrients into the River Dore will cause algal smothering of the river bed to increase even more (It was already notable last year on the Dore). This will result in reduced invertebrate populations, less fish, and less fish and insect eating birds and animals such as herons, kingfishers, dippers, wagtails, sand martins, house martins, otters, etc. I personally lead the Golden Valley Fish and Wildlife Association eel project (where we are saving from export and restocking to the Golden Valley critically endangered, red-listed, European eels (Anguilla anguilla). This is a community project, driven and supported by local people and businesses, and demonsrates the value that we put on the River Dore as an environmental asset. In addition to our ipetition to government to STOP THE COMMERCIAL EXPORT OF BABY EELS we have, over the last 3 years, saved from export and restocked into the Dore system 124,000 juvenile eels that woud otherwise have ended-up in European fish farms. To have this work destroyed or threatened by the significant pollution risk from broiler units would be a disaster. In addition to this, the River Dore fishery has now been connected once again to the sea by the installation of expensive fish passes, the main one being at Osbaston weir on the lower end of the Monnow. (very significant investment by Environment Agency) This has opened up the River Dore once again as a spawning ground for endangered Atlantic salmon, sea trout, sea lamprey, twaite shad and allis shad. A degraded river habitat resulting from the inevitable broiler shed waste nutrients leaching into the watercourse from fields will render all the above government and community work and effort worthless, will reduce the River Dore as an attractive fishery/ wildlife corridor, and will impact directly on the tourist economy as a result. Bird flu I am very worried about the risk of avian flu viruses being generated from the inhumane, intensive broiler shed process. Keeping such high numbers of birds confined together at such high population levels without access to sunlight, exercise and a normal varied diet reduces their natural immunity to critical levels. (This is why they require such high doses of anti-biotics to keep them alive). This threatens local people as well as poultry and wild bird populations. As someone who lives in the Golden Valley, who keeps chickens and is a project leader for Golden Valley Fish and Wildlife Association, I view this proposal as a direct threat on all three counts. Noise I object to the proposal because it will cause significant noise pollution to the valley, notably to roadside properties in villages such as Peterchurch where I live. The rattling and bashing of lorries at night will degrade the peace and calm of the area, leaving it less appealing as a tourist destination or as a place just to live and enjoy unspoilt countryside. Hard working folk and the young and elderly will suffer from extra stress as a direct result of broken sleep and longer, slower and more dangerous journeys by road. Light pollution I have concerns about the risk of light pollution from any such development, although I am aware that there are ways that this can be significantly reduced. The Golden Valley lies only 10 miles away from an International Dark Skies Reserve (Brecon Beacons National Park) and Peterchurch Parish Council have approved the creation of a Dark Skies Group and Parish Dark Skies Officer to manage light pollution. (I have personally been involved in this). Light pollution will degrade the rural nature and outstanding natural beauty of the Golden Valley, and consequently the local tourist economy. 2 - Road traffic and damage As somebody who drives along the B4348 every day of the year I am very aware of the awful state of the road. Pot-holes abound between Peterchurch and Allensmore in particular, and this coincides with concentrations of heavy vehicle movements in this area. The proposal will spread this blight to the Western (Dorstone) end of the B4348, which is currently far better. This extra projected heavy traffic will cause extra danger and disruption to workers, school traffic and emergency services along an already conjested small B- road. The road is particularly hazardous to cyclists due to the pot-holes and heavy traffic, and this has severe economic consequences to the local tourist economy. 3 - Economic All the above reasons for my objections are under-pinned by one common thread which lies at the heart of this objectionable proposal. Any such development must fit within a business plan for the area. The Golden Valley business plan should be different to other areas of the country in that its unspolit nature, poor communication roads and natural beauty lean it towards traditional farming, tourism, and artisan/local production. To dump such a massive development that is completely unsuited to the local business pattern into this area would be a disaster. The very small number of low-paid jobs (2?) created by this unsustainable and inhumane food production plant will be tiny as compared with the damage it will cause to everything else, as it will signal the opening of floodgates for other similar developments in our area. As somebody who works in the public sector and whose job is under immediate threat (and who has lived in the area for 17 years) I know that there are no other alternative suitable jobs for me in my area other than realistic business self-start ideas all centered around tourism, local artisan foods, and the general opportunities existing in an area with natural beauty and a healthy living environment. This is already being degraded and threatened by housing developments, road degradation caused by heavy traffic, and disappearing wildlife. Please stand up for the Golden Valley and reject this proposal! Yours sincerely Ian McCulloch M.A, Environmental Management; Diploma, Fisheries Management; Hon. secretary, Golden Valley Fish and Wildlife Association; Project Lead, Golden Valley Eel Project ; Parish councillor, Peterchurch Parish.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 21:51:27 +0000

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