The self-proclaimed Free Syrian Army is none of what it proclaims - TopicsExpress


The self-proclaimed Free Syrian Army is none of what it proclaims to be. It is not free because the governments of Turkey and Israel hire each one of its members. They are paid mercenaries brought to Syria by the enemies of the Syrian Arab Republic. It is not Syrian because it is composed of paid foreign criminals, and domestic traitors, professional killers for hire, and paid terrorists, kidnapers and extortionists, hired from sixteen other countries, and financed by foreigners, predominantly Israel and Turkey. Both Israel and Turkey already occupy parts of Syria. Israel occupies the strategic, water rich region of Golan Heights. Turkey occupies the coastal region of Iskenderun. Both Israel and Turkey want to see a weak Syria unable to reclaim its historic lands and maintain its territorial integrity. Both Israel and Turkey want to see a much weaker, divided Syria, unable to defend itself against Turkish and Israeli aggression. In addition, both Turkey and Israel want to see the entire Middle East emptied of its Armenian Christian population. Finally, a bunch of hired kidnappers, criminals and traitors who invite foreigners to attack weaken, and conquer their own country is not an army! We remember every day crimes against humanity committed by the Turkish Governments of 1915-1923. The present day government of Turkey continues these criminal policies by denying the crimes committed, and complicates the situation by organizing denial campaigns. The United States government aids and abets the criminal policies of its NATO ally, thus becoming a co-conspirator in the crime of Genocide. 1.5 million Armenians were slaughtered by the Turkish governments of 1915-1923; the entire population of Western Armenia was deported from its historic homeland.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 03:45:11 +0000

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