The sense of American exceptionalism that justifies any actions - TopicsExpress


The sense of American exceptionalism that justifies any actions against others; the willing complicity of US allies (including Australia); the near-complete lack of transparency about what intelligence agencies are doing, which fosters abuse and incompetence; the lack of any effective evaluation of whether programs are achieving their purported goals; the massive handouts of taxpayer money to the private sector; the use of outsourcing to diffuse responsibility; the remarkable American capacity to continually infuriate targeted communities overseas in a way that guarantees a steady supply of angry, radicalised individuals; the adherence to and repetition of tactics and strategies that demonstrably dont work, and that agencies themselves know dont work; the casual killing and injuring of innocent people; and the willingness of politicians, in the name of national security, to forgive any abuse -- indeed, to actively participate in covering up abuse and punishing anyone who reveals it. All of these are present in the torture program and all continue to be on display in US programs of mass surveillance that have stopped no terrorist attacks and the drone strike programs that slaughter so many civilians. And they are recurring again in the new war in Iraq, which is benefiting no one but large US defence contractors. The torture program was not the result of a rogue agency acting in a way that was at odds with American values; it was a living, pure embodiment of exactly those values as they now exist in the era of the War on Terror. Via Brian Leslie Blackwell It is about the law and justice. If the US administration does not follow through and prosecute those that broke the law to the highest level, it has no credibility what so ever. Leaders of the Western Alliance, also did they do not speak to condemn torture that too are complicit with their silence. And if no laws had been broken for these torture, then the laws are inadequate. How can the so called war on terror be prosecuted when the war itself is terrorism. Everyone’s worried about stopping terrorism. Well. There’s really an easy way. Stop participating in it. Who benefits from War. Follow the money. This is just not credible.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 23:44:34 +0000

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