The sermons parts 3 and 4 for the King is Coming Sermons preached - TopicsExpress


The sermons parts 3 and 4 for the King is Coming Sermons preached on 6-2 and 6-9. ------ Sermon: “The King Is Coming” Parts #3 and #4: Date: 6-2-13 and 6-9-13 Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8 (10) Verichip or Positive ID-it starts off as something positive because of its medical awareness and other capabilities-it will have the ability to control some functions of the body and mind. It is said that it will have the ability to manage the behavior of people such as criminals (their mark will be on their forehead). It is easy to see how the Anti-Christ will control those with his mark through mind control and other means. In 2014 the United States is now experimenting with placing a barcode or a mark (Personal ID) on people that will contain their personal information-it is already being done in other countries-it is optional now, but there will come a time when it will be mandatory-Rev. 13: 16-18-the stage is set for the coming of the King! St. Luke 21:28 “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” It is good to be time conscious because a time conscious person is always ready for the occasion. Jesus is time conscious and He is coming back for those who are ready for His coming. Since we know that the Lord can return at any time, then we must tell others that “The King Is coming” V.2- Paul informed the church that the Lord will come as a thief in the night. That means that He is not going to tell you neither the time nor the date of His return. When a thief breaks into a house he does not tell you when he is coming. The way to prepare yourself for the thief is to know the times you are living in. The way to prepare yourself for the coming of the Lord is to know the times you are living in. The day of the Lord has several connotations (implications meanings): (1) A Day of Wrath-when the Lord will release His anger, rage & fury towards sin-and there will be no place to hide (2) A Day of Visitation-when the Lord returns to this earth to judge sin-you can run but you can’t hide-and you can be sure your sins will find you out Num. 32:23 (3) The Great Day of God Almighty-when the Lord will destroy the Anti-Christ system, remove all sin & destroy Satan & his followers in the Lake of Fire The Day of The Lord is when the Lord returns to this world to judge those who are unsaved by choice. This will take place after the church has been removed and the tribulation period has started. The antichrist system will face the wrath of God and be destroyed at the end of the tribulation period. After the millennial reign is over, the devil will be released and the Lord will destroy Satan and his army and send them into the Lake of Fire. These are terrifying judgments that will fall upon those who fail to prepare themselves for the coming of the King. As a thief comes unexpectedly and without warning, so will The Day Of The Lord. Luke 21: 34 “And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting (excess, surplus, overabundance), and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.” V.3-Paul told the church that there will be false prophets who will give people false hope that things are going to get better. The Anti-Christ will take over and solve the world problems. The peace that the Anti-Christ will bring will be temporary & delusional (false believe), and shortly afterwards the false peace will end and “The Day Of The Lord “will come and the enemy shall be destroyed. Is 57: 21 “There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.” Paul used the metaphor or an allegory of a woman having birth pains. The pains are sharp and sudden and there is no way to escape these pains until the struggles of giving birth is over. The Day of the Lord will not end, until sin is destroyed and the pains of sin are removed. People today are looking for peace all over the world. There are wars and rumors of wars all over the world, and no one is safe. There is trouble all over the world and these are signs that the“The King Is Coming”. V.4-Paul informed the church that they are not like those who are unsaved & unprepared, so the “Day Of The Lord” should not surprise Christians. The church will not go through the tribulation period. Rev.3:10, 1 Thes.4:16, 17 “The Day Of The Lord” is designed to deal with the unsaved and the origin of sin, Satan. Those that are living in darkness are unbelievers. Unbelievers are those who are: (1) unsaved, (2) unprepared, (3) apathetic-unconcerned-uninterested, (4) don’t believe & (5) will be left behind. Those that are in this condition will be engulfed (overwhelmed, swallow up, submerged surrounded & consumed) in sin, and they are called the children of darkness. The Day of The Lord will overtake them suddenly and with deadly consequences. “The King Is Coming” and I am glad I’m not the enemy! V. 5-Paul informed the church that those who are saved are called the children of light. Therefore, there is no darkness in those who have been transformed by Jesus Christ. Once you become saved - it is imperative (crucial or important) that you walk within your salvation. (1) That means that you should carry yourself in a way that others will see Jesus in you-your presentation (performance & appearance-how do you appear to others-mean, unapproachable or approachable?) (2) That means that your character (personality, nature, disposition, conduct or behavior) should identify you as a child of light (what about your behavior-does your behavior identify you as a child of light?) (3) That means that your speech should identify you as a child of light (can others tell by your speech that you are a child of light?) (4) That means that your deeds or works should identify you as a child of light (what about your works? Do your works identify you as a child of light? Are you reaching others for the kingdom of God?) Church we are the sons and daughters of the King, therefore, lets us walk in the light so that others will see our good works and come to know Jesus as their Savior. As long as there is light in the neighborhood, there is hope for those living in darkness. 1 John 1:7 V. 6-It’s important that Christians to live right and tell others about Jesus. The reasons Christians are not alert: (1) We are too worldly & too busy trying to be like the world than Jesus (2) We have forgotten our purpose (3) We have become self-centered instead of Christ centered (4) We have become complacent (unworried, unconcerned & immune or unaffected & unmoved) by the word of God Christians have failed to allow the word of God to motivate them into action. The Lord has told us in His word to be sober minded or alert, because “The King Is Coming”. St. Luke 21: 28 V.7-Paul was making a reference to those who are unsaved. The unsaved are those who are not ready for the coming of the King. They are asleep and drunk on this world. The reason why so many people are unprepared for the coming of the King is because they have been deceived by the enemy. Here are five reasons the enemy tells you that you don’t need Jesus: (1) the enemy will tell you that the life you are living is alright (2) the enemy will tell you that church is a waste of time (3) the enemy will tell you that Jesus is a fake (4) the enemy will tell you that there is no Kingdom of God (5) the enemy will tell you that Jesus is not coming back Christians the “The King Is Coming” V. 8-Christians should not be like the unsaved, unprepared & unconcerned world. We know that the Lord can come back at any time based on the season and the times we are living in. Therefore, Christians should always be alert and equipped with the armor of faith. When you face temptations your faith will cause you to “trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and shall direct thy paths” (Pro. 3:5, 6). Thank you Lord for the armor of faith that we can hold on to in these difficult times. When I’m discouraged Lord you told me to trust you. No matter what the circumstance, Lord help us to rely on You, because You said You will never leave us nor forsake us. Lord times have become more difficult and people are not as loyal as they once were, people are making excuses instead of commitments to Your ministry, Lord help us to remain loyal to your will. Church be faithful, trust in Lord, rely on Him, be loyal, have confidence and believe God. Lord helps Mount Zion to be that church, strengthens our love for You and for one another. Despite what the enemy does our relationship with you and one another shall never be broken. Our love for the Lord compels us to tell others about Jesus. The helmet of hope is the Lord keeping our minds from being distracted by the enemy, and giving us hope that someday soon the Lord will deliver His people from this land of sin and take us to the Kingdom of God. “The King Is Coming “
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 19:14:57 +0000

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