The seven Steps of Man (1) The Primary Life 1.Primary - TopicsExpress


The seven Steps of Man (1) The Primary Life 1.Primary development of the intellect and the spirit. 2.Primary thinking of the intellect and the spirit. 3.Primary thinking of reason. 4.Primary exercise of the intellect and the spiritual force. 5.Primary reasonable actions. 6.Primary will causing thinking and action. 7.Beginning of reasoning in life. Creatures on those levels are thought to be insane or idiots whose spirit and intellect is still not spiritually developed. (a new spirit who, by learning and experience, first, has to form himself) (2) Reasoned Life 1.Primary development of reason. 2.Effective realization of reason and its use. 3.Primary acknowledgment and cognition of higher influences. 4.Belief of higher influences without owning knowledge. 5.Belief of higher forces. Superstition, fear of evil, veneration of good etc. 6.Primary recognition of the true reality. Research and development of real knowledge. The first spiritual cognitions and their use. Spiritual curing, telepathy etc. 7.Primary development of knowledge and wisdom. The present position of the average Earth human being is within this category at around the 6th level. (3) Intellect Life 1. High development of the intellect. High technology, second utilization of spiritual forces. Primary creation of living forms. 2. Realization and exercise of knowledge, truth and wisdom. Slow break-up of acceptances of belief. 3. First utilization of knowledge and wisdom. 4. Acknowledgment and utilization of Natures Laws, generation of hyper-technology, secondary creation of living forms. 5. Natural exercise of wisdom and knowledge, in cognition of spiritual forces. 6. Life of knowing, wisdom, truth and logic. 7. Primary cognition of true reality as real absolute. The present position of educated Earth human being, scientist etc. would be around three on this scale. A few border and spiritual scientists would be at level seven. (4) Real Life 1. Clear knowing about the true reality as real absolute. 2. Cognition of spiritual knowledge and spiritual wisdom. 3. Utilization of spiritual knowledge and spiritual wisdom. 4. Cognition of true reality of Creation and her laws. 5. Living within Creational Laws. Purification of the spirit and the intellect. Cognition of the true obligation force of the spirit. Complete breakdown of acceptance of belief. 6. Aimed and controlled utilization of spiritual forces. 7. First ability to create living creatures. Billy is at level five. (5) Creational Life 1. Creating and controlling living forms. 2. Construction of machine/apparatural livable creatures. 3. Spiritual development of forces for control of organic forms of life. 4. Will conditioned to master life and all of its sorts and forms. 5. Position of recognition, reminiscence of earlier lives etc. 6. Kingdom of wisdoms - ISHWISH (IHWH). Next to the last highest power and knowledge. 7. Cognition of spiritual peace, of universal love and Creational harmony. The Pleiadians are in this area. (6) Spiritual Life 1. Acknowledgment and realization of spiritual peace, universal love and Creational harmony. 2. Living in pure spiritual forms. 3. Spiritual creations. 4. Disembodiment of spirit. 5. First spiritual existence. 6. Final spiritual existence. 7. Pass over into the Creation. (7) Creations Life 1. Twilight sleep over seven periods. (Eternitys) 2. Awaking and beginning of creating in the Creation as Creation, during seven periods or eternities. 3. Creating of living forms. 4. Creating of new spirit. Improvement of Creation. 5. Creating of spiritual greatness within the Creation. 6. Improvement of Creation in Creation. 7. Reaching of highest improvement in the seventh period.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 01:57:37 +0000

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