The seven steps to solving any problem. I learn these steps early - TopicsExpress


The seven steps to solving any problem. I learn these steps early in my career. I was originally told that if you are OBJECTIVE and leave your emotions out of the process. These seven steps WILL SOLVE ANY PROBLEM and I do mean any problem. I have use these steps consistently and they have always help me to make good decision. So here goes. STEP 1. DEFINE THE PROBLEM. The problem not the symptom. Most people when using this method define the symptom or the effect of the problem and not the root cause of the problem. STEP 2. WHAT IS THE CONSEQUENCES IF U DO NOTHING? Some time this stops you from going any further as you realize there are no consequences or they are very small to insignificant. On the other hand this will make sure you understand the ramification of sitting back which will cause your mind to FOCUS during this process. STEP 3. WHAT RESOURES DO YOU HAVE OR CAN GET TO HELP IN THE SOLUTION? This will help you put together finances, people, equipment or whatever tools you will need to use in your solution. STEP 4. BRAINSTORM SOLUTIONS. The trick is to not pick a solution here only to come up with every conceivable way to solve the problem. Do not judge the solution at this step. That comes later. The only thing now is to be creative. NO MATTER HOW SANE OR RIDICULOUS THE SOLUTION write it down DO NOT PICK A SOLUTION AT THIS POINT. STEP 5. ORGANIZE YOUR SOLUTION INTO PROS AND CONS. This is the stage where you put the solution that u came up with into categories, i.e., positive or negative, PRO OR CON. In doing this you will now start judging the solution as to how useful they are in solving your problem. STEP 6. PICK A SOLUTION. This is the step that you do your final analysis of all your solution and make a decision on which will work best. At this point you can do research on any of the possible solution if needed before picking the solution. STEP 7. DEVISE AND IMPLEMENT A PLAN FOR YOUR SOLUTION. This point you put together a plan with milestone and deadlines to accomplish your solution. This will insure u use the tools in Step 2 and give you a date when your problem will be solve. If u are truly objective when u use these steps it works every time. I have a 96% accuracy rate in coming up with the right solution for me using this method. The only failure I have made is when I was less then objective and allow emotions in on the decision making process. YOUR MIND CAN SOLVE ANY PROBLEM IF YOU GET OUT OF ITS WAY.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 21:15:56 +0000

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