The single biggest challenge that we face at the moment is to - TopicsExpress


The single biggest challenge that we face at the moment is to eliminate the illusion of fear, despite being bombarded with it from all directions. As I have said many times fear is an illusion, it is about what may or may not happen in the future, it is not real until we believe the false propaganda that is put out and then create it as our reality. In the world as a whole fear has reached epidemic proportions and it is exceedingly contagious. We are fed a diet of fearful situations and possible scenarios and we have to be very strong minded to resist this barrage. When we are sensitive and have the ability to empathise with other people, we can be more susceptible to fear. We read, hear or see something that is happening to other people and we imagine how we would feel if that were happening to us. We then experience the fear as if it were happening to us or we are constantly worried that it could. Our logical minds tell us that if it could happen to that person then it could just as easily happen to us. The Law of Attraction means that whatever we put our energy, focus or attention on will be drawn to us or we will expand it. So any attention put onto fear and fearful situations will simply magnetise it to us or make us feel as if that thing has already happened. I know that many of us work very hard to put out positive thoughts, however what we think and believe on a conscious level is just a drop in the ocean compared to what we hold in our subconscious and unconscious minds. It is from these levels that we need to clear out our fearful thoughts, beliefs, patterns and imprints. Some of these will be from our own past experiences, some will come from past lives, some we will have taken on from the mass consciousness and others we will have inherited from our parents and ancestors. Whatever the source of our fear and what ever level it may be residing on, whenever it comes to our attention, we need to clear and transmute it by employing the Violet Flames of Transmutation. We also need to bring two of the main life lessons into play here: detachment and discernment. The challenge is not to put ourselves in a bubble so that we do not connect with what is going on around us or in the world or to become a hermit. The challenge is to be in and among people and their fears and yet to be totally detached from them. Our discernment allows us to see the reality and that all the fear that we are fed from the media and other people is about control and keeping us in a lower vibration state so that we cannot fulfill the roles that we have come to do. The removal of fear is on two levels. First, we need to clear out the fear baggage from the past that we hold but we also need to ensure that we do not create any fear in our current environment. To do this we have only to stay in the NOW and TRUST that in the future all our needs will be met and that we will have the resources to deal with whatever may arise. Namaste.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 21:30:26 +0000

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