The single parent business is for the birds!! I am sorry to all - TopicsExpress


The single parent business is for the birds!! I am sorry to all of those who do this everyday as Ive only been at it a couple of days and am exhausted! Today: Up at 0530, turn on the dryer to fluff the kids uniforms, drag the dog out (its raining he didnt want to go), start cooking breakfast (sausage and eggs), constantly stay on the kids to get ready while Im trying to get ready for work, feed the cats in between, iron my uniform, read notes from school saying Gabes shorts are too baggy and unacceptable (hes lost weight) & that Hannahs shorts are not THEIR uniform brand so not acceptable although identical, yell at the kids to get ready while writing a heavily worded letter of discontent to the school, get dressed, make one final check before loading the kids in the car, drive 30 minutes north to take the kids to school while witnessing multiple accidents (its raining and Floridians cant drive in the rain), arrive 5 minutes late to school....wait in a long line with other parents who are also late to sign the kids in, get in the car and head south 80 minutes to work (had to drive 30 minutes the opposite direction of work to take the kids to school), witness several more accidents, arrive 3 minutes late to work after waiting for every turtle in the parking garage to park. Work starts out great until my second patient arrives complaining of chest tightness and shortness of breath...... AND IT BEGINS! Work 10 hrs, head home ONLY 50 minute drive.... not bad tonight. Arrive home note that the dishes are piled up, kids are hungry, dog needs out, cats are hungry, carpet is filthy, floors are nasty, laundry has to be done. Do dishes, make dinner, throw in laundry, let the dog out, feed the cats, vacuum, help Hannah with her homework, tell everyone to go to bed, realize I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO GO MAKE A DEPOSIT TONIGHT, jump in the car, go to the bank only to find the atm isnt functioning, go to the other atm, make deposit, get home, hug kids, tuck them in, sweep, mop, grab a bite to eat, brush my teeth and collapse into bed. What the BOB???? How do you people do it everyday????
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 03:18:16 +0000

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