The sitatunga is Africas only true amphibious antelope. The - TopicsExpress


The sitatunga is Africas only true amphibious antelope. The Sitatunga is unusual among antelope species in that it is quite at home in water. In its native habitat the animal is often seen taking to the water to avoid predators, and individuals have been known to sleep underwater with only their nostrils showing above the surface. This type of snorkel behavior is an adaptation to the hostile environment in which the Sitatunga lives, since water often provides the only refuge from leopards and wild dogs. The swamp is an abundant source of food, so Sitatungas need only small home ranges. They often make feeding pathways through the water plants, eating reeds, bullrushes and sedges. They will also venture out of the swamps and eat grasses, fruits and tree bark in the adjacent forests. They are sometimes active during full day or on moonlit nights, but their time of greatest activity is in twilight (dawn or dusk). Sitatungas are social to some extent. Females are sometimes seen forming herds, but males often have a solitary lifestyle except at mating season.Their greatest threat is human activity. In parts of Africa the animal is a vital source of protein to indigenous peoples, but there is also much sport hunting for trophies. The sitatungas habitat is being constantly reduced as growing human populations convert more of the swamp into agricultural land. Other predators that threaten the sitatunga are pythons, crocodiles, leopards and lions. DIET Sitatungas forage for swamp vegetation such as bulrushes and sedges. They occasionally eat fallen fruit and the bark off of trees. REPRODUCTION Males and females come together only to mate. After a gestation period of 7.5-8 months, the doe gives birth to a single fawn. After six months, the fawn will be weaned and encouraged to forage on its own. LIFE SPAN Sitatungas can live a maximum of 20 to 22 years.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 12:53:17 +0000

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