The situation in Iraq is rapidly evolving, and tensions are high. - TopicsExpress


The situation in Iraq is rapidly evolving, and tensions are high. U.S. Special Forces troops began arriving in Iraq this week, raising concerns that the deployment is laying the groundwork for military airstrikes.1 Adding to the troubling development is news that President Obama—despite his deep reluctance to initiate another war—is considering the use of military force without seeking the approval of Congress.2 Thats significant because congressional involvement could be the decisive factor in stopping this rush to war—as in the case of Syria last year. Recognizing the necessary role of our elected lawmakers in matters of war, Representatives Scott Rigell (R-VA) and Barbara Lee (D-CA) have organized a letter calling on the president to come to Congress for authorization before using military force in Iraq.3 We need enough members of Congress to show their public agreement by signing this letter—sending a message that the rush to war must stop. Can you call Rep. Upton right now? Tell him: Please sign the Rigell-Lee letter insisting that the president come to Congress for authorization before any military intervention in Iraq. Congress must have a say in any decision to go to war, and we deserve to have our voices heard in the debate. Heres where to call: Representative Fred Upton Phone: (202) 225-3761 Then, please report your call by clicking here: No matter where individual lawmakers stand on the issue of U.S. military intervention in Iraq, they should be able to agree that the Constitution vests in Congress the authority to initiate wars and the responsibility to heed the voices of the people.4 Even the president said several years ago that the Iraq War has ended. Congress must vote on any decision to start another one. The stakes are enormous. If the U.S. takes military action in response to the crisis in Iraq, it would be pouring more fuel on a raging fire and doubling down on the Bush Administrations colossal failures. Here are some of the prominent voices speaking out against military intervention:5 After a decade of war, I believe the American people have had enough. Families have had enough. I do not support putting our men and women in the midst of an Iraqi civil war. –Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)6 Many of those clamoring for military action now are the same people who made every false assumption imaginable about the cost, challenge and purpose of the Iraq war. They have been so wrong for so long. Why should we listen to them again? –Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)7 It makes no sense for us to consider going back there and getting involved in what truly is a religious civil war. What real difference would [airstrikes] make on the ground? –Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), Iraq War veteran I dont think theres any appetite from the American people to go back and do our work twice. –Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), Iraq War veteran If 10 years, millions of hours of work and hundreds of billions of dollars could not build a regime that can survive, it is difficult to imagine any fix that can. . .We broke Iraq. We paid a huge price in lives, treasure and legitimacy. It is time to stop paying. –Joe Cirincione, president of the Ploughshares Fund8 America cannot go down this road again. And with your help in creating a massive outpouring of opposition to war in Iraq, we wont have to. Thanks for all you do. –Anna, Bobby, Joan, Stephen, and the rest of the team Sources: 1. The First U.S. Special Forces Have Arrived in Baghdad, Time, June 25, 2014 2. Obama to Congress: Constitution Gives Me Authority to Send Troops to Iraq (Updated), Roll Call, June 26, 2014 3. Bipartisan Rigell-Lee letter to Pres. Obama on Iraq: respect Constitution on using force, Just Foreign Policy, accessed June 26, 2014 4. Letter to Congress, The Constitution Project, June 20, 2014 5. Quotes Against Military Intervention in Iraq, Win Without War, accessed June 16, 2014 6. Ibid. 7. America Shouldnt Choose Sides in Iraqs Civil War, The Wall Street Journal, June 19, 2014 8. Dont Be Sucked Into War With Iraq, Again, Defense One, June 12, 2014
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 23:55:21 +0000

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