The situation in the Middle East is complicated. For weeks, - TopicsExpress


The situation in the Middle East is complicated. For weeks, experts from around the world try to explain the rivalries and alliances. Well it did two. Last weekend was the editor of the "Financial Times" a letter to the editor. K. N. Al-Sabah from London summed up succinctly what is happening: "Iran is behind Assad. The Gulf countries are against Assad! Assad on the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood and Obama are against General Sisi (the Egyptian army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the beginning of July overthrown the elected president Mohamed Morsi, ed). But the Gulf states are for Sisi! Which means that they are against the Muslim Brotherhood! " In a second paragraph, writes Al-Sabah: "Iran is per Hamas, but Hamas is behind the Muslim Brotherhood! Obama is behind the Muslim Brotherhood, although Hamas is against the USA! The Gulf States are for the United States. But Turkey is with the Gulf countries against Assad, but Turkey is for the Muslim Brotherhood against General Sisi. And General Sisi is supported by the Gulf states! Welcome to the Middle East and have a nice day. " Even the locals come to their limits Published on Monday, the Egyptian blogger «The Big Pharaoh» a graphic with which he shows that quirky relationships have emerged in the region. He divided the country into two categories: "those who interfere (USA, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Israel)" and those "in which the others involved (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine)» . For the compounds Big Pharaoh uses three colors: red with arrows he will "hate" represents, with blue "support" green and "no opinion." His artwork was "not finished by far, every day when I look at them, I realize that I forgot an arrow." The thing is very complicated. (kle)
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 19:29:58 +0000

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