The sky was clear though some clods of cloud were visible. But one - TopicsExpress


The sky was clear though some clods of cloud were visible. But one could hardly forecast if it would rain or no one could ever guarantee if there would not be rain that day! A gentle breeze was blowing making the leaves of existing trees dancing slowly nodding their heads towards the south! The weather was neither too hot nor too cold. Actually, it was a nice weather for travelling and for falling in love with someone! But believe me, I could not anticipate that I would fall in love with someone whom I have not seen! I was on the train sitting in the corner with the window in my right! I like sitting in the corner to enjoy the winds as well as to see the natural and human settings! I was in good mode! When the train went over the Kawran Bazar slum, I saw few boys were playing football, the game I like much! I tried to place myself there! I was also thinking that among these boys someone might have the talent to change the world alike Edison, Einstein, Freud, and Marx had but for lack of friendly environment, their merit and talent nib in the buds! While the train moved forward, I saw crops in the fields, people all around being busy to make a living! I saw cattle and some other livestock grazing in the field! My mom used to say “Try to learn from the nature and do not only listen to what people say rather try to discover what they do not say as well”. From that time, I always nourish a tendency of learning whenever I go somewhere or meet someone. When I saw a cow grazing I just ask myself what the domestic animal would be thinking right now or when I saw people working in the field I try to anticipate what they would think or dream. The human mind never stops interacting with itself; it keeps thinking, drawing and sketching the futures humans! Perhaps this is the difference between beasts and humans! Anyway, while having such thought in mind I arrived in Kulaura and started for the destination: Madhop Kunda! I was not invited to attend a youth seminar but I did not know why my mind was so curious to be there! After spending few hours, I discovered the reason of my curiosity! I saw her for the first time! You know, I found my heart bit increased and the magnetic attraction of her shadowed my eyes! I could not remove my eye sight at once! I just asked myself, if it is ‘LOVE’? I never believe in love at first sight but something that category of feeling got born in my mind that time. You know, when I had broken up a transient relationship with a girl in Dhaka from that time I vowed not to fall in fake love but that day I could not stay stick to my yesteryear’s thought! What I should do I asked myself? And what a coincidence at that time she offered a slight steer at me! I discovered, my heart got a deep trembling and spun around! I could not forget the girl even when I returned to Dhaka. She was disturbing me even in my dream! I tried several times to forget but could not. At last I tried to learn about her! I tried to know if she had any boy friend or not! Because, I had already made my mind to give an offer! If she had boy friend, she would not accept me and it would kill my confidence and destroy my future-I thought. Besides, I never have any will to vanish the cherished dream of others! If she accepts me in spite of having affair with someone then the dream of that guy surely gets shattered! However, I was lucky that she was single at that time! I made an offer at last struggling with myself thousands times! And you know, after 3 months of punishing me she replied and it was a ‘YES’ vote! She is my wife today! The day I first saw her was 24 July, 2002! Tomorrow I will be in Nepal but my heart will be with her! I always tell her that I will nourish the same feelings towards her when I turn ‘HUSBAND’ from ‘LOVER’. Sometimes we people, never show and feel the same passion towards our loved one when we turn ‘husband’ or ‘wife’ from the namesake ‘lover’! Why? Its my personal perception!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 15:27:09 +0000

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