The smoothie Pour 200ml of cold water into a blender; add the - TopicsExpress


The smoothie Pour 200ml of cold water into a blender; add the fruit and veg (listed below) and blend on a high setting for 10-20 seconds. Then add two ice cubes (any more will make it too thick) and top with 200-300ml water, blitzing for a further 10 seconds. The power punch To boost the potency, you can add 2 tsp of blackstrap molasses. Yes, it looks like crude oil, but a recent study at Virginia Tech showed it had the highest antioxidant capacity of any sweetener – helping to kill off wrinkle-causing free radicals. The benefits Fight cancer Kale, 1 handful With over 40 varieties of heart-protecting flavonoids, kale is the pound-for-pound nutrient champ of the plant world. Research in Carcinogenesis found that regular consumption inhibits the development of prostate cancer, the most common type in British men. Sharpen your mind Purple-sprouting broccoli, 4 spears A true nutritional powerhouse, broccoli is a rich source of selenium – a mineral that is known to fight age-related cognitive decline. It also contains glucosinolates and calcium d-glucarate. Research in the journal Toxicology shows that these compounds help your liver process harmful toxins, allowing them to be flushed out of the body faster. Feed your muscles Baby spinach, 1 handful Add lean, green power to your workouts to slow the rate at which you lose muscle mass over time. Studies at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that one serving of spinach a day delivered enough nitrates to vastly improve muscular efficiency. Reverse aging Blood orange, 1 peeled The red pigments that give this fruit its colour are called anthocyanins – flavonoids which are known for their anti-ageing properties. Research in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism shows they also reduce oxidative stress and inflammation after exercise. Helpfully, the citrus tang will mask the taste of liquefied green vegetables, too. Keep your body lean Raspberries, 14 or a large handful This low-carb well of antioxidants has been linked to a wide range of health benefits. But with summer on the way, perhaps the most timely are those of the waist-shrinking variety. Research in the journal Life Sciences found that raspberries’ ketones help reduce fat stores as we age. Sweet.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 10:49:01 +0000

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