The so-called opinion polls are un-scientific, inaccurate, and - TopicsExpress


The so-called opinion polls are un-scientific, inaccurate, and used, to a large extent, by a biased media, as propaganda for the NO side. For the most part, their purpose is to try to spread gloom and despondency amongst YES campaigners. They are failing in this. But could there be another, more sinister purpose intended (by some) for these misleading so-called polls? Personally, I think by far the most likely outcome is a really decisive YES. I think it will be decisive enough to put the matter beyond dispute. In which case, what we do is celebrate. But, in the unlikely event of me being wrong about that being by far the most likely outcome, what then? If the result is close, we may face a claim that NO has won. If such a claim is made, how should we react? I say that, in this unlikely event, we should say, loud and clear, that it is fraud. We should say the people have been robbed through fraud. We should demand international investigation of the fraud which has taken place. If this unlikely scenario does arise, then it will be up to us to say FRAUD. Alex Salmond might suspect dirty tricks, but he would hesitate to say so. The consequences of saying a vote has been rigged can be very serious. In the USA Presidential election of 1960, the Republican candidate, Richard Nixon, had good reason to think he had been elected, and the win for Jack Kennedy was rigged. Mayor Daley of Chicago had rigged the Chicago result. Mayor Daley rigging the Chicago result had the effect of giving Kennedy a very narrow win in the state of Illinois. Under the then rules, that gave Kennedy ALL of the votes from the state of Illinois, which was just enough to give him a narrow win in the electoral college. And all because Mayor Daley rigged the Chicago result. Nixon knew all this. He had every reason to think he had been elected. His advisers were telling him to challenge the result. But, in the end, he backed off from doing so, because he thought that could lead to civil war. As it happens, Kennedy was assassinated, Nixon did later become President, and, when he did, he used some very dirty tricks to try to hang on to the presidency. But in 1960 he was scared of telling the truth: that he had been robbed. In the 2000 USA presidential election, the Democratic candidate, Al Gore, had good reason to believe he had won. He had good reason to think the vote in Florida, where George Bushs brother, Jeb Bush, was Governor, had been rigged. But, in the end, like Richard Nixon, Gore backed off from continuing to challenge the result, because of the possible consequences of doing so. My prediction is, there will not be a no vote. The majority will vote yes. However, although there will not be a majority for no, that is not the same thing as saying that we will not be TOLD there has been. If you are told on the 19th of September that there has been a no vote, you are probably being lied to. I feel extremely confident that there will be a landslide majority for yes. The very worst that could happen is a somewhat narrower majority for yes. HOWEVER, there are very good reasons for suspecting that some on the NO side could seek to rig the vote. One reason is that some of our opponents have previous convictions for this. The other reason is that the security services of the British state have previous form for this, but, of course, can not be convicted. A few months ago, I wrote to the Chief Counting Officer for the 2014 referendum, Mary Pitcaithly, whose day job is with Falkirk Council, expressing my concerns about possible massive, organised electoral fraud involving postal votes, of the type for which three Labour Party councillors in Birmingham were found guilty. I received a reply from one of her colleagues, on her behalf, basically saying that they would be watching out for anything like that. I did not find that reply sufficiently re-assuring. A few years ago, three Labour members of the city government of Englands second-largest city were found guilty of electoral fraud. Judge Richard Mawbrey said the three members of Birmingham Council were involved in massive, systematic, and organised fraud supported by the Labour Party. The massive, systematic, and organised fraud involved postal voting. Since then, there has been a huge increase in postal voting, amounting to many millions in general elections to the Westminster parliament. Attempts at cleaning up the system have been hampered by party political interests. Although the Liberal Democrats are in coalition with the Tories, they are annoyed at their partners over the failure of a proportional representation referendum. So they have sided with the Labour Party in postponing a boundary review which could give the Tories as many as 20 extra seats in parliament. Unfortunately, the legislation for that boundary review also includes the legislation to clean up postal voting. So it looks like that essential clean-up could be indefinitely delayed. And we have a referendum on independence next month in which up to a million votes could be cast, weeks before the referendum, by postal voting. Now, nobody grudges the infirm and the sick not having to go to the polling station. But the possibilities for what that Judge in Birmingham described as massive, systematic, and organised, fraud, involving postal voting, and involving the Labour Party, have certainly not gone away. The Better Together propagandists keep saying only a minority of Scots will vote for independence. I dont believe that - AND NEITHER DO THEY. The truth is, they think they could lose the referendum. There have been instances in Scotland, as well as in Birmingham, of Labour Party involvement in dodgy electoral practices. And they are very worried. So the temptation on some of them to bend the rules will be very strong. And heres another thing. In his autobiographical book Spycatcher, the former MI5 agent Peter Wright boasted about himself and a large number of his fellow agents, acting independently of, and, indeed, against, the government of the day. They broke into hundreds of houses all over London, and they staged false flag terrorist acts, safe in the knowledge that, even if they got caught, they would never be prosecuted. They regarded the Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, as a commie, and they were confident of deciding for themselves what was in the National Interest, without orders from any politician. And OF COURSE there are still folk in Intelligence who wouldnt even feel the need to get the approval of politicians for what they considered to be in the national interest. Who knows what dirty tricks THEY might get up to? They are quite capable, for instance, of staging some false flag atrocity, and seeking to blame it on supporters of independence. They have done that sort of thing in the past. They are also quite capable of actual ballot rigging. They are quite capable of doing that sort of thing because, although the hypocrites claim to act in the name of freedom and democracy, the reality is that they are defenders of the established order, and they are quite prepared to subvert freedom and democracy. Some have sought to dismiss concerns about the activities of spooks. But they are not mythical creatures. It is acknowledged that they do exist. The British state pays thousands of spooks to defend the interests of the British state. Right now, right at the very top of the interests of the British state, so far as these thousands of spooks are concerned, is ensuring the continued existence of the British state. And the number one threat to the continued existence of the British state is a majority YES vote next month. Now, I think David Cameron and his colleagues have probably told the spooks they should stop at nothing to defeat that threat. But even if the politicians have not officially told them they should stop at nothing, there are plenty amongst those thousands of spooks who are quite capable of figuring this out for themselves, and acting on their initiative. Yes, there will be attempts to rig the referendum. The best way to ensure these attempts do not succeed is to make as many people as possible aware of this, so that we have as many people as possible watching like hawks for any dodgy business. Plus, as well as ourselves watching out for this, we should also tell the entire world about our suspicions, and invite the entire world to come and observe our referendum. The more scrutiny there is, the harder it will be for the riggers. Besides attempting (not very successfully) to spread gloom and despondency, the other purpose of rigged so-called opinion polls is to prepare the ground for a possible rigged poll. The purpose is so that they can say well, its in line with the opinion polls....... So if, despite every attempt to ensure a fair referendum, scrutinised by loads of folk in Scotland and by observers from all over the world, we should be told on the 19th of September that there has been a narrow majority for No, then.......regardless of what Alex Salmond and co might do, we who do not follow their orders should have no hesitation in denouncing this as FRAUD.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 15:59:39 +0000

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