The sobreregulación of opiates provokes a pandemic of pain in - TopicsExpress


The sobreregulación of opiates provokes a pandemic of pain in patients with cancer An international survey published in the magazine Annals of Oncology shows that more than the half of the world population lives in countries with regulations for the evil use of the medicaments that leave the patients with cancer without access to the medicines opioides to control the pain of the cancer. The results of this Initiative of Global Politics of Opiates (GOPI) shows that more than 4.000 million persons live in countries where the regulation leaves the patients with cancer suffering an unbearable pain. The national governments must take urgent measurements to improve the access to these medicines, according to the European Company of Medical, leading Oncology of a group of 22 partners who have started the first world survey to evaluate the availability and accessibility of opioides for the pain of the cancer. The study GOPI has discovered a pandemic of an excessive regulation largely of the world in development that it is making catastrophic difficult to provide basic medicines to relieve the strong pain of the cancer , there alerts the president of the Workgroup of Elegant Palliative ESMO and principal author of the report, of the Medical Center Shaare Zedek, in Jerusalem, Israel, Nathan Cherny. The majority of the world population lacks the necessary access to the opioides for the sharp, postoperatory, obstetric and chronic treatment of the pain of the cancer and the elegant palliative ones, as well as pains , he is sorry. When it is known that there exist effective cheap and available treatments, the pain of the cancer without treatment and his terrible consequences for the patients and his families is a scandal of global proportions , affirms Cherny. The study carried out in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Carib and Middle East evaluated the availability of seven medicines opioides that are considered to be essential for the relief of the pain of the cancer by the Ready Model of Essential Medicines and the International Association of Hospice and Taken care Palliative of the WHO. These essential medicines include codeine, oxicodona orally, fentanilo transdermal, oral morphine of immediate and slow liberation, as well as injectable morphine and methadone for oral route. Though there are problems with the supply of these medicines in many countries, the principal reef is the excess of regulation that does that it is difficult for the professionals of the health that they prescribe and administer for medical legitimate use, say the authors. This one is a tragedy that it is born of the good intentions - he understands Cherny-. When the opioides are excessively regular, the measures of precaution to avoid the abuse and the diversion are excessive and concern the capacity of the systems of health to relieve the royal suffering. The study GOPI has discovered an excess of regulation largely of the world in development . The following step is that the international and local organizations that work together with the governments and the regulators to approach carefully the problems , adds the co-author of the study James Cleary, the director of the Group of Studies of Regulation and Pain and the founding director of Palliative Medicine in of the Cancer Carbone Center in the University of Wisconsin, in Madison, The United States. According to these experts, there are concrete examples of countries that reform his regulation to improve the access to the medicines opioides, between them Ukraine, which before had a list of medicines opioides limited.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 19:41:47 +0000

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