The social issues affecting the house design were culture, - TopicsExpress


The social issues affecting the house design were culture, standard of living, tight knit society, political decision-making and health, ( The cultural issues being there shared beliefs, customs so their way of going about certain tasks and rituals this may affect the house design as they may. The standard of living being the way they work so the times they are free and other times, which is their social norm to work, and their socializing time so the time they would like to spend with family and friends. Legally they can only work 6 days a week ( and so this can be taken into consideration when working out how long the project will take however they are not being paid and so working an extra day would not be illegal. The community issues being their views on the house looking more modern than the normal houses there and so not fitting in with the community. Political issues being a member of the public making a wrong decision which does not fit that of the majority of the village. Health issues could be those effecting drainage and waste management, as many of the village citizens are most likely to be unfamiliar with western toilets. They are not use to toilets and usually defecate in the woods or fields and this increases disease. ( The key Economic issues is quite obvious, it is to insure a good build with sound foundations and able to withstand the climate of Timor Leste with cost being minimal. The key environmental issues were cutting down the trees and vegetation to build the houses and to make way for materials to be transported to the location, this was a major issue because growing new trees is difficult due to the mountainous nature of the land and the monsoon weather can wash crops away meaning freshly planted trees can also wash away ( The key structural issues were to insure the foundations were solid and were able to withstand the floods while at the same time keeping the costs down and the design simple. So in order to do this we put the house on concrete stilts to enable stability, and to ensure the house is off the ground and so the floodwater can pass without causing damage or damp to house. Having the house on stilts is ideal in an uneven hilly terrain and in flood areas and so this was the best way to overcome this structural issue. ( topsiderhomes/piling-pier-stilt-house-hurricane-home-plans.php ). We used pad foundations to make the house strong and to keep the costs down. The pad foundations require basic training to make and the amount concrete used is going to be less than if we use deep long trench foundations, (concretecentre/technical_information/building_solutions/foundations.aspx). Also joining the walls to the roof was another key issue of the structure. To overcome this we decided not to attach the roof to the walls and instead make a wooden frame truss from timber then attach this to the pillars then attached the corrugated iron roof to this, this was a good solution as it kept costs down as it would have been more costly and complicated to join the roof to walls. Also not joining the roof to the walls means there will be an overhang, which is beneficial as it provides shade to house and also in rain season it ensures the rain falls far from the walls protecting them. The key health and safety issues are mainly aimed at general public of the village as they are going to be the ones working on the house and so making sure they are safe is very important. It may be difficult to provide them with steel toecap boots, hard hats and high visibility jackets. The village people usually dress in baggy clothes called mane and feto (mapsofworld/timor-leste/culture/clothing.html) and so this can be dangerous as it can get caught whilst working and so a talk will be given to the workers to insure they do not have trailing clothes which can get caught and inflict injury. To overcome the issue of clothing we decided to tell the workers to be careful when working and not to have trailing clothes, which could cause injury when working on the house. Other issues of health and safety will be given in a lecture form to the workers before any work is started, and regular checks will be made to insure the standard of health and safety is high. Ath and mo heres what Ive done so far
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:16:32 +0000

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